If you’ve been meaning to complete a project, or you have something put away somewhere that you’re going to finish someday – lucky you! That day is Saturday 15th December, from 10 in the morning until late.All projects welcome, they don’t have to be this complicated…We’re opening up Tog for all-comers, hackers, makers, crafters, coders, whatever you have that could do with a finishing touch and a final tweak, bring it along and we’ll supply the workspace and a bit of know-how, enthusiasm, encouragement, and breakfast.
There’s an Open Social running on the same day, so you can stay as long as you want. Small handmade trophies for finished projects. Tog, 22 Blackpitts, Dublin 8, D08 P3K4.
The author is fully aware of the irony in the title of this post.
Image attribution: NASA/JPL/Thomas Wynne [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Lock Picking: Break the bonds of true love, learn to open one or many of the padlocks we harvest from the Halfpenny Bridge. Lock picking nights are on every second Monday, we are meeting on the 10th December at 7pm, taking a rest over Christmas, and will be back in 2019. Basic lock picking sets are available for purchase at the bargain price of 16 euro.
Craft Night: Every other Wednesday, the 12th December at 7pm. Show that irritating / inspirational woman on telly how to really craft Christmas. Or knit, sew, crochet, cut-fold-glue-solder to your heart’s content. We have sewing machines. We also have laser cutting and CNC routing expertise. We may soon have a 3D printer.
Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs every non-lock-picking Monday, the 3rd and 17th December at 7pm. For all levels: Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos, try our introduction to electronics worksheet. Some basic electronics kits available for sale. Bring your own laptop or notebook computer.
Open Social: This month the Open Social will be on Saturday 15th December. Join us for an evening of conversation and pizza. Conor has promised games.
Coding: Runs on the same Mondays as lock picking, the 10th December at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own side project.
The Science Fiction Book Club won’t meet in December; on the last Wednesday we will be too scattered over the surface of the planet to rendezvous at Tog, especially since we STILL don’t have access to flying cars, faster-than-light travel or teleportation. We might be reading about one or other or all three, though. We will be taking two months to read Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. See you back here Wednesday 30th January 2019.
Wikipedia Editing: No meeting in December.
Finish-a-Thon: we are running an all-day hackathon on Saturday 15th December. Instead of starting yet another world-changing project, finish one of those you’ve had lying around waiting for, well, an event like this. The world will thank you. Breakfast will be provided.
48 Hr Filmmaking Challenge: Writers, directors, actors, DOPs, all filmmaking enthausists are welcome to join us and get yourself on a team for the 48hr filmmaking challenge taking place on the 7-9th December. This is a great opportunity if you want to try out filmmaking and don’t know where to start. All skill levels welcome. We will meet and form teams on Thursday 6th and Teams will get together over the weekend and shoot. THERE WILL BE A SUGGESTED DONATION TO TOG OF €5 PER PERSON TO COVER THE COST OF SCREENING (OR WHATEVER YOU CAN AFFORD). Event page on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/events/351903748909360/
Lock Picking: Our lock picking get togethers are on every second Monday, the 12th and 26thNovember at 7pm. We provide the locks, the tools, and the know-how. Basic lock picking sets are available for purchase.
Craft Night, CAD Night: Runs on alternate Wednesdays, the 7th and 21stNovember at 7pm. Knitting? Crochet? Embroidery? Getting ready for Christmas? We offer sewing machines, glue guns, expertise and encouragement. We also cover computer-based ‘crafting’ like CAD/CAM software, 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC routing.
Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs every non-lock-picking Monday, the 5th and 19th November at 7pm. Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos are just some of the things you can work on down here, or try our introductions to electronics worksheet. You should bring your own laptop or notebook computer.
Open Social: This month the Open Social will be on Saturday the 24th November at 7pm. Join us for an evening of conversations and games.
Coding: Runs on the same Mondays as lock picking, the 12th and 26th November at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own project.
The Science Fiction Book Club will meet on Wednesday 28th November. We haven’t decided on November’s book yet (suggestions, anybody?). But there will be some sort of cake.
Wikipedia Editing: Runs on Wednesday 28th November at 7pm. Ever wondered how to get started editing Wikipedia? Come along and will get you adding to the world’s largest open collaborative knowledge project. All are welcome, no editing experience is necessary and the event is free, just turn up with a laptop to start editing.
Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam: We are hosting the Second Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam on Saturday November 3rd at 12.30 pm. A day where people of all abilities come together to work on or get help on Raspberry Pi projects. For more information and tickets visit https://ti.to/dublin-raspberry-pi-jam/2nd-pi-jam
** Tickets for this event are sold out, but members can still come **
** – board games, card games, RPGs, a whole lot of sinister sounding acronyms, possibly some online gaming. Scheduled for Saturday 3rd November. With the expected participation of Board Games Ireland.
3D printing machine printing bits for a 3D printing machine
A summary of what’s happening in Tog this October:
Lock Picking: We have a huge variety of padlocks liberated from the Halfpenny Bridge, we’ll show you how to open them. We also have more esoteric locks, handcuffs, practice locks, and the tools and know-how to pick them.
Workshops on Mondays, the 1st, 15th and 29th October, starting at 7pm.
Coding: Come into Tog and work on a project, or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own project. We provide the space and the wifi, and some expertise.
Runs on Mondays, the 1st, 15th and 29th October at 7pm.
Craft Night: Ranges from knitting, sewing (we have machines), crochet, and embroidery to 3D printing and laser cutting. Bring along a project, work on something you know, or learn a new skill.
Runs on Wednesdays, the 3rd, 17th and 31st October at 7pm.
Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Learn how to make Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos do cool and interesting things, or try our introductions to electronics worksheet. We don’t have spare laptops, so bring your own.
Runs on Mondays, the 8th and 22nd October at 7pm.
The Science Fiction Book Club meets on the last Wednesday of each month, the next one is the 31st October. This month’s classic is Neuromancer by William Gibson. There is usually cake, and not entirely coincidentally Science Fiction Bookclub is on the same night as…
Wikipedia Editing: On the 31st October at 7pm, you can learn how to add your knowledge to the world’s largest open collaborative knowledge project, by becoming a Wikipedia editor. Everyone welcome and no prior experience is necessary. There is pizza, to go with the cake.
Open Social: This month, the open social is on Saturday 20th October at 7pm. Pizza, beer, conversation, games, starts early evening and, like the best parties, doesn’t end until the last person leaves.
Our members are over in the UK for EMF camp, follow @tog_dublin on twitter for updates on how the camp is going.
Lock Picking: Runs on Mondays, the 3rd and 17th of September at 7pm. Come down and try your hand at cracking open tumbler, tubular or warded locks.
Craft Night: Runs on Wednesdays, the 5th and 19th September at 7pm. Knitting? Crochet? Embroidery? Laser cutting? 3D printing? Join us and work on something you know, or learn something you don’t.
Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs on Mondays, the 10th and 24th September at 7pm. Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos are just some of the things you can work on down here, or try our introductions to electronics worksheet. Recommended you bring your own laptop.
The Science Fiction Book Club will meet on Wednesday 26th September. This month’s book is The Shockwave Rider by John Brunner, published in 1975. Cake will be available.
Open Social: Runs on Saturday the 15th of September at 7pm. Join us for an evening of conversations, games and our glorious hand made wood fired pizza.
Coding: Runs on Mondays, the 3rd and 17th September at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own project.
Wikipedia Editing: Runs on Wednesday the 26th September at 7pm. Ever wondered how to get started editing Wikipedia? Come along and will get you adding to the world’s largest open collaborative knowledge project. All are welcome, no editing experience is necessary and the event is free, just turn up with a laptop to start editing.
TOG will have a stand at this year’s EU Contest for Young Scientists, https://www.eucys2018.com, which runs from 14th to 16th of September at the RDS, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge. We will be showcasing a range of projects and activities, including a constellation umbrella, bone conduction, boat models, wearables and interactive games.
Dublin Mini Maker Faire 2013 has come and gone. We’ve been recapping a few of the projects displayed at the event, like the Bubble Bird House, and the Twitter Knitter. The Craft Nighters* got in on the action as well, and contributed squares towards a patchwork quilt. The type of squares is varied, including crochet, hand knit, machine knit, embroidery, blackwork, patchwork (meta), and decorative uses of beads, buttons, and googly eyes. Rather than losing some of the detail by making them conform to a strict patchwork quilt, we instead chose a looser arrangement to better showcase the talent and variety of our dedicated crafters.
* Craft Night happens every second Tuesday from 7pm. It’s free, and open to all crafts. Simply, people show up and work on their projects. It’s great having others around who can help you out if you get stuck/confused, or just to chat with (and find out the best crafting suppliers). Get in touch and come along!