Gardenhacking Growdown Bloomfringe Blaster

Its all GROW at tog as we build our planters, hotboxes, temperature sensors, irrigation systems and many more weird and wonderful devices!


All are welcome to pop by – bring something you want to work on or take some of our available material.

A mix of techie wizkids and greenfingered Gods will be making all day in a fun & friendly environment — free to all, drop by any time, from about 10am till 10pm 🙂


If its super nice we’ll turn on the BBQ, fire up the pizza oven to finish off the evening.

See you there!



CryptoParty – Thursday 11th June @ 7pm

CryptoParty Logo

TOG is very pleased to announce that we will be holding the 4th Dublin CryptoParty. Doors will be open from 7pm on Thursday the 11th June 2015, and we will stay open as long as people are happy to stay ( within reason ).

CryptoParty attendees request you to respect their privacy and refrain from taking pictures or video unless participants express otherwise. Ask before snapping.

The idea of a CryptoParty is to make everyone more aware of their own on-line privacy and security in this vast inter-connected world that we live in.

We haven’t had one in a while, so we will discuss basics to bring everyone up to speed. Topics can include any of the following:

  • Tor
  • Tails
  • PGP/GnuPG
  • Text Secure / Signal
  • OTR

CryptoParty have a mailing list if you are so inclined. Its an open event, so no need to sign up.

See you on the 11th

TOG Open Social this Saturday

party_bgOnce again its TOG open social time…..this Saturday, 16th May. The open social is a great way to see the space, hang out, and meet other members & visitors. If you’ve never been to the social, you’ll find it a great alternative Saturday evening in town. If you have some project or idea in mind, its a great opportunity to talk to other makers, hackers and do’ers. Or you can simply just hang out and chat 🙂

Hopefully, there’ll be all the usual madness of an open social. Weather permitting, there’ll be pizza. There may also be beer samples, courtesy of Capital Brewers at TOG. You might even get to pick some locks if our friendly lock pickers will show you some tricks. The space stays open until the last member is left…. usually the small hours of Sunday morning. The open social is free to attend. Our doors will be open from 7pm.

Wireless Hacking Workshop – Saturday 27th June 2015 @ 12:30pm

IT Security<<SOLD OUT>> Contact me below to express interest in next one. If can run another during the summer if I get interest.

On Saturday 27th June at 12:30pm our very own jester`, Martin Mitchell or @jayester depending on the circles you run in, will be teaching a Wireless Hacking Workshop.

Wireless networks are everywhere. They have been available to many of us for well over 10 years, and it is something most of us rely on daily. Majority of us have a wireless network in our house, and connect to it regularly with our laptop, phone, games console, media player and now even televisions.

In this practical, hands on workshop I will be stepping you through the different wireless network security modes of 802.11 (WiFi), and demonstrating practical attacks against them. This workshop is not intended to teach you to perform malicious tasks on wireless networks, but it is to show you how easy it is, and how dangerous someone can be knowing even the most basic a few commands. This knowledge can also be used to audit wireless networks. This workshop will to make you more aware of the dangers of using a wireless networks with bad or no security enabled. Continue reading “Wireless Hacking Workshop – Saturday 27th June 2015 @ 12:30pm”

Project: Skull Radio Box


This blog post is written by our member Jeffrey Roe about his Skull Radio Box Project.

The Skull Radio Box came out of the frustration demonstrating the bone conduction kits at the Big Day Out. The kits are great for workshops but in a show and tell type of stand they just are not user friendly. They need an audio source hooked into them and just not appealing to members of the public to bite on a metal rod with lots of wires hanging out of it.




I first found out about bone conduction from David McKeown at Artek Circle (Photographed right) and tried it out with a spoon in my mouth.  Months later, I then worked with Sinead Mc Donald to create the Guzman Box. Internally, it used a Kitronik amplifier kit to create the bone conduction effect. During its stay in the Lexicon Library for Soundings, the TBA820M IC burned out twice. The main cause was due to heat. The IC had no heatsync and would burn if left on for too long.  Jump forward a few months, I used bone conduction again during Spectral Forms a week long residence in the Science Gallery. We looked for a fun way to play back the audio of people’s brain waves, that we were capturing with an EEG unit. We again faced problems with the kits being too quiet for the loud gallery setting. Finally, we used them as a demo at the Big Day Out, people loved the demo but not the look of the device. All these led to creating a stand alone, demo dubbed the Skull Radio Box.


The Build

IMG_20150404_191128.jpgIMG-20150405-WA0008.jpegThe case was the first part of the project.  I started out with Maker case website to create the general box. I then moved into Inkscape to do all the other parts of the design. After a few prototypes in cardboard, I was ready to cut out the final box in  5mm plywood. As the project came out of the laser cutter it looked perfect but when putting together the box with the finger joints, it was clear it did not fit together. Two hours later, using a file,  sand paper and just a little hot glue, the box was all together.

Continue reading “Project: Skull Radio Box”