Visitor Register

We have now moved into a new home and with this we have had to change our insurance to cover everyone that enters the space, we need all non members to register at the door. Thanks for helping up.


Engineer’s Week: Bridge Building Competition


For Engineers Week, we are holding our fourth annual bridge building competition on Saturday 5th of March from 11am.

Two Identical sessions will take place. The morning session – 11:00 – 13.30. The afternoon session 14:30 – 17:00.

This is a family-friendly competition that puts teams against one another to build the strongest bridge. Engineering theory and building materials will be provided to help you during construction. Check out the videos from last year below or our gallery.


Continue reading “Engineer’s Week: Bridge Building Competition”

Building Our New Common Room

wallsOn Friday, a big pile of timber arrived on our loading bay. On Saturday we turned it into our common room. Well we are a maker space after all!

We built sections on the floor and lifted them into position. If you remember our common room from Chancery Lane…….. well this room will be bigger and warmer too. We’ll be finishing it off over the next week or two and building some other rooms. Pics here.

Ice Skating

During our last meetup, the topic of a Tog festive meetup came up.  We decided we ice-skates-308633_960_720wanted a non pub meetup for our next meeting. As its a festive time of the year we picked ice skating. This actively only shows up in our fair city a few months of the year so why not make use of it. We will be making our way out to Dundrum next Tuesday. You will see someone in a tog tshirt.

Date: 08/12/15 Start at 20:00
Booking Link: Prebook or pay when you
get there.





cake_goneSoftware nerds will understand 🙂


Well the cake didn’t last long. What do you expect with a bunch of hungry hackers. Great to see everyone at our social evening tonight. Great to talk to some visitors too who are interested in joining up. Some interesting new ideas. Keep in touch with us as things are moving along steadily with TOG 3.0