Well we set out to make our Grand Opening Bash on Saturday our best party ever. It didn’t disappoint. The turnout was amazing. Thanks to everyone for coming. We hope that you got a tour of the space and a chance to see some of the things and projects we get up to. We even had a 4-legged visitor checking out our new common room and space.
Our new kitchen was a hive of activity. Thanks to everyone who brought in food and helped with the catering. We had so many visitors that we ran out of Pizza dough by 9PM. That never happens. Our very own Dr Tri came to the rescue with her secret quick dough recipe (patent and patents pending 🙂 ). In the end, we think that everyone was fed and watered. Our TOG beer and wine went down a treat. Some snaps are on our gallery.
We’ll be working away on the construction of our new rooms and sorting our stuff over the next few weeks. Be sure to stay in touch with us on our various social media, web and email outlets. If you like us so much that you want to join up as a member, sign up the form here and we’ll be in touch. Hope to see you again soon.