Painting Lines


The car park outside our space has just been repainted. When visiting you can park in any of the spaces marked Caminio Ways. For more snaps visit our gallery.


Featured on Hackaday : Taming A Variac With A Thermistor

We are delighted to have one of our member’s projects featured on Hackaday,




The folks at TOG, Dublin Hackerspace, have a large variac. A variac is a useful device for testing some fault conditions with AC mains powered equipment, it allows an operator to dial in any AC output voltage between zero, and in the case of TOG’s variac, 250V.

Their problem was with such a magnificent device capable of handling nearly 3KW, it presented an inductive load with a huge inrush current at power-on that would always take out the circuit breakers. Breakers come with different surge current handling capabilities, evidently their building is fitted with the domestic rather than the industrial variants.


Read the full story over on their website.

This is not the first time we have been featured, the Twitter Knitter got the Hackaday treatment too.

Boat Building Competition


This event has been canceled.

We are hosting the first ever Tog Boat Building Competition on June 4th. In the past we have build bridges but it is now time to take to the water or in this case a home made tank.

IMG_20160318_211944Participants will create boats and run a time trial in our homemade tank . Each boat will have to be smaller than 10 cm by 10 cm. There will be a fan at one end to provide wind to your sails. Apart from a size restriction, the only other condition is no batteries. A special prize will be up for grabs to the boat with the fastest time.

Book Your Place Below.


Before the competition will are opening up our workshop to all you novice or last minute boat builders. We will have all sorts of building materials on hand for you to get creative and build a fine boat. This workshop is optional and is not required for taking part in the competition.

Participants under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian.

Timetable Saturday 4th of June

  • 12:00 – 14:00 Workshop
  • 14:00 – 15:00 Break
  • 15:00 – 16:30 Competition

nj53URn2This event is made possible with the support of the Young Engineers Society.






This event is apart of European Maker Week, an initiative promoted by European Commission. For all the other great events happening visit

Project – Green Screen in Tog

There is now a green screen on the wall in the back. Please feel free to use it.











It’s basically some sheets of plastic, painted with matt green paint that was lying around in the space. It has been tested with a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 camera and iPhoto and it blends seamlessly. No shadows or marks blended into the final product.

To get the best results use a good quality digital camera that doesn’t bleed colours. Using an old JVC DV tape camera from 2004 which bled around the edges  left a halo in the final product. A still camera with movie facility with automatic exposure settings  totally messed up the green screen effect.






CoderForge @ Tog – Updated


NOTE: This has moved to every second Monday night to coincide with Coder Group Night. The first night will be on June 27th 2016.


Starting May 11th, until further notice, Tog will be hosting CoderForge nights every Wednesday from 7-9:30 pm.

CoderForge hopes to provide a weekly space for people interested in learning to code. With the current technology available to us it is perfectly feasible to trade as a coder whilst you learn your full skill set. No different to any other apprenticeship. Also using this method gives you the chance to see if coding or software development is something your interested in, it gives you a chance to test the market.

These `forges` also hope to balance some of the shortfalls to the method of training used within some of our educational institutions today, which always appear to be behind the technology that is required by current market forces. At a coder forge the format is flexible enough to change from `nodejs` to `php` or from `python` to whatever the next new big thing is. It is entirely up to those that are present. The coder forges are modeled on the popular `coder-dojo` but with a focus on adults rather than kids, and thus an ability to learn where to find work online and in the locality can also be introduced.

Coder Forge Meetup page.

Dublin Maker 2016



Dublin Maker is Ireland’s biggest maker community showcase event. It gives a real opportunity for makers to excite and enthuse the general public about
the great making communities and their projects. This year it moves to Merrion Square to allow for even more making madness

The open call for this year’s Dublin Maker is now open to all inventors, makers, hackers and creators. Whether you have taken part before or still tinkering on something crafty, you can apply for a place at our biggest Dublin Maker yet.


Tog is proud to be a supporting organisations again this year.  We have been involved in the running of the Dublin Maker since its first year, now almost 5 years ago. We see the event as the highlight of the maker calendar in Ireland.