Hackaday & Tindie Bring-a-Hack Meetup


We are excited to host Hackaday & Tindie Bring-a-Hack Meetup on Friday 6th of April from 7pm . Our doors will be open for people to drop by and show off a hack or a make. There will be snacks and beverage courtesy of the  Hackaday & Tindie team. 

The event is free but ticketed.  Sign up here

If you want to turn your whole weekend into hanging around with hacker and makers, you might like the Hackaday Dublin Unconference on Saturday 7th. You can find out more about it here



Dublin Crypto Talks – Blockchain & Cryptocurrency for Beginners (workshop)

We are hosting the Dublin Crypto Talks meetup for a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency for Beginners workshop. The meetup’s mission is to accelerate the advent and adoption of Blockchain technologies. The workshop will cover How Bitcoin and Blockchain works, How to securely store cryptocurrencies and Setting up a wallet, send-receive coins, backup wallet.

Date & Time of the event: 26th 6pm -10pm
Duration of event: 4 Hours

To sign up for the event visit their meetup page.

TOG March Open Social

OK, so it’s a bit late for St. Patrick’s Day, but that won’t stop us having our regular Open Social evening on Saturday 24th March from 19:00. It was originally scheduled to take place on St. Patrick’s day itself, but we pushed it out a week to Saturday 24th.

If you’ve never been to our Social, you’ll find it a great alternative Saturday evening in town. Come in and look around. If you’ve never been in before, we’ll give you the grand tour of the space. Talk to members and visitors about projects or things you’d like to do. If you like what you see, ask about joining as a full member. Hopefully there’ll be caint, ceol agus craic as usual. The space stays open until the last member is left……usually the small hours of Sunday morning. Weather permitting, we might have our pizza oven going outside.

Our Open Socials are always free to attend for both members and visitors alike. No need to book…. just turn up. You can drop in for 10 minutes, or stay the whole night. We have parking available. Bring beer, food, gadgets! Our doors will be open from 19:00. Hope to see you there.


#BigDayIn #SnowDay3 #Liveblog

It may be snowing outside, and the Big Day Out was cancelled, but TOG has been featuring some of the technology and projects we work with over on our Twitter account. We have complied some of the resources here as well so it is easier to reference. Remember to ask us questions or share what you are up to today using the hashtag #BigDayIn

Coding and Computers

Head of Education at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, Carrie Anne Philbin, put together this great series called Crash Course Computer Science. It explains a lot of useful theory about how computers work and the videos are really easy to understand.


We found this really cool basic Introduction to Electronics series.

This is video is an introduction to the Arduino board, really useful for sensors.

This video introduces the Oscilloscope.


Continue reading “#BigDayIn #SnowDay3 #Liveblog”

The Big Day Out

This St Patrick’s Day weekend will see Merrion Square turned into a street carnival aka The Big Day Out. There are lots of things from street theatre, music, aerial performances, workshops, art installations, Irish Language activities, Science Zone and of course a festival Céilí.

We will be taking our place in the SFI Science Zone. A area of the festival dedicated to all things science. There will be live shows, demos from mgen Biotech, APC Micro biome Institute, National Aquarium, Physics Busking, and ourselves. 

We will have a range of demos, projects and a new custom LED sign for the weekend that is in it. 

The event takes place this Sunday 18 of March from noon. till 6pm

See Big Day Out full Schedule here.


Open Street Map Ireland AGM

On March 24th from 10am to 3.00pm Open Street Map Ireland will be have its first AGM to set up a formal organisation to cement what has been a loose collective of like minded individuals into a legal structure.

OSM is a worldwide mapping initiative, which is fully open source, i.e. made by people for other people, that anybody can contribute to with a low barrier to entry. There are a variety of tools to get you started, where you can shape the map you use with the detail you require, instead of hoping a proprietary solution will fit your need. There has been OSM activity in Ireland for well over a decade, with townland boundaries, coastline, cemeteries and monuments being mapped in earnest. Often newly opened roads get mapped as soon as the tarmac dries, historical building, paths, and other information not always included in official spatial data. Some areas areas need more detail, so there is still plenty to do.

Irish mappers have also greatly assisted the Kingdom of Lesotho to map and train their citizens in mapping their country, which not only saves them high costs, but empowers the people to be help themselves and use the open information to improve their lives. Anybody with an interest in maps is welcome. Find out more on Facebook, Twitter or the OSM Ireland mailing list.

Learn more at our Facebook page.