OpenStreetmap Meetup and Mapillary Workshop on the 24th November from 11am to 3pm

Logo for Open Streetmao IrelandAfter OpenStreetMap Ireland’s successful launch as a company, it is time to get back into the swing of things and start mapping again. OSM is the Wikipedia of mapping where the users contribute to the map, either locally through direct observation, by satellite imagery or from in car-mounted cameras, on bicycles, etc, with Mapillary.

Bring a laptop and your mobile phone and learn about the various tools ranging from simple to expert, to edit the map. So no matter what your technology experience there is a way to contribute. One of the phrases from the launch was warm mapping, where people can add a soul to the place, instead of the cold formula used by the proprietary services. So let’s stay warm together in this cold winter season and map our communities!

There will be a 20min workshop in Mapillary, followed by a 40min walk around to put those skills to use (Warm jacket recommended). Could be useful for any new arrivals to Dublin!

Register your interest on Meetup.


Kino-Kabaret – filmmaking hackathon in TOG!


Have you got a script burning in the back of your head? A keen eye for the scene, aye? Want to try some cheesy acting? Or want to make some slaptastic special FX with goos and glues and gos-knows-what?


Well you’re in luck, because


Filmmaking hackathon in TOG, 9-11th November



Join us for our first Weekend Kino Kabaret.

If you have and interest in film-making or are a writer, director, actor, producer, DOP, sound recordist, animator, editor, makeup artist, SFX artist, composer, prop maker, costumier, 1st AD or would just like to get involved then this is the event for you.


Over three days you will have the opportunity to join a team or pitch your film, shoot it, edit it and screen it.


We will start @ 9am on Friday 9th — after introductions you can pitch your great idea or join up for someone elses.
Then its straight into planning and filming!

There will be some basic workshops on Friday morning for ‘how to film and edit on your smartphone’ if you want a quick introduction.

On Saturday at 7pm we will have a screening of ‘Patricks Day’ followed by a Q&A session with director Terry McMahon.

Then on Sunday @ 7pm we will screen the great films our participants made.
Excited already!

We will also fire up Tog’s famous pizza oven for some yummy goodness in the evening.
Not to be missed!



The cost of a ticket for the weekend is €20.


Sign up here!


Places are limited and you must register to attend. See you all there. 🙂


Email: for more!

What’s on in Tog in November: Too Many Events to list in a Header…


from Tog’s vast duck collection

This is what we will be up to in November:

Lock Picking: Our lock picking get togethers are on every second Monday, the 12th and 26th November at 7pm. We provide the locks, the tools, and the know-how. Basic lock picking sets are available for purchase.

Craft Night, CAD Night: Runs on alternate Wednesdays, the 7th and 21st November at 7pm. Knitting? Crochet? Embroidery? Getting ready for Christmas? We offer sewing machines, glue guns, expertise and encouragement. We also cover computer-based ‘crafting’ like CAD/CAM software, 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC routing.

Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs every non-lock-picking Monday, the 5th and 19th November at 7pm. Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos are just some of the things you can work on down here, or try our introductions to electronics worksheet. You should bring your own laptop or notebook computer.

Open Social: This month the Open Social will be on Saturday the 24th November at 7pm. Join us for an evening of conversations and games.

Coding: Runs on the same Mondays as lock picking, the 12th and 26th November at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own project.

The Science Fiction Book Club will meet on Wednesday 28th November. We haven’t decided on November’s book yet (suggestions, anybody?). But there will be some sort of cake.

Wikipedia Editing: Runs on Wednesday 28th November at 7pm. Ever wondered how to get started editing Wikipedia? Come along and will get you adding to the world’s largest open collaborative knowledge project. All are welcome, no editing experience is necessary and the event is free, just turn up with a laptop to start editing.

Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam: We are hosting the Second Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam on Saturday November 3rd at 12.30 pm. A day where people of all abilities come together to work on or get help on Raspberry Pi projects. For more information and tickets visit

** Tickets for this event are sold out, but members can still come **

Science Week Talks: Thursday 15th November – A night of short talks on a range of topics with YES (Young Engineers Society).

Science Week Family Day in DCC: Family fun day, Saturday 17th November 11:30-17:00. We hope to have a stand with usual demos.

OpenStreetMap Mapathon: planned for Saturday 24th November

Game Night: **Members only

** – board games, card games, RPGs, a whole lot of sinister sounding acronyms, possibly some online gaming. Scheduled for Saturday 3rd November. With the expected participation of Board Games Ireland.

Make your own Films! Kino Kabaret. A weekend filmmaking hackathon. Weekend 9th-11th November

October 2018 Social Battery swap in electric vehicle talk

This October Social on Saturday 20th October 2018, along with the usual chat, craic and fun, we will also have an Electric vehicle theme. See this link for more details

There will also be a quick talk from Jonathan Fitzpatrick, who removed the electric vehicle battery from his 2011 car and upgraded to a 2015 pack.

He will talk about the problems he was hoping to solve, the problems he encountered (the new pack would not fit) and his eventual work arounds and success. The talk will start at 7:30pm sharp and there will be time for questions afterwards. Then you can stay and tour the TOG hackerspace and hang around for the evening. The event is free, open to all, no need to book, just drop on by.


October 2018 Open Social – Electric Vehicle Theme

At the October 2018 Social night on Saturday 20th October 2018 from 7pm we will have a normal open social night where anyone can drop by and we will have a theme of Electric Vehicles. We plan on having a few Electric Vehicle owners attend, and you can have a look around the cars, along with seeing them charge at TOG’s own electric vehicle charge point. If you are interested in Electric Vehicles or own one, this will give a non formal chance to chat to owners along with getting a tour of the TOG hackerspace, and seeing all TOG has to offer including laser cutters, 3D printers, a full workshop and more. The event and all social nights are free of charge so drop by.

Electric Vehicle Charging

Doors open at 7pm and the plan is to have a quick introduction to Electric Vehicles around 7:30. As we are a hackerspace we will also mention digging under the bonnet of electric vehicles and modification. The space will be open until after 11pm and it is a bring your own beer (BYOB) or soft drinks social night, but not if driving. There is limited free parking on site, and street parking in the area is free on a Saturday evening, although we encourage people to arrive car free or share lifts where possible.  TOG is located in Dublin City Centre here:

For those with Electric Vehicles we have a type 2 tethered charger and a 3 pin household style outdoor socket, but charging will be only for those that really need it.


For more information about TOG and future events see: and check out the events calendar and other blog posts. We also have all the usual

Twitter Facebook and other social media

If you have specific questions you can contact us through the website, but feel free to just drop by at one of our themed open nights.