Our Open Social is back… Virtually on 15th August, 7pm

Because of COVID, we can’t hold our regular open social but we have a solution. We have a virtual place to meet. All you need is a browser (firefox is best) and an internet connection. This works on Computers and smartphones.

Jon the Open Social Now!

Mozilla Hubs is an experimental, VR-friendly platform and a tool for communicating and collaborating privately, and allows you to connect with people and bring in resources from around the internet for meetings and virtual events.

Link to join the meeting!

Let’s meet and talk about projects we are workong on or would like to work on. Or share some cool new tech or nice craft projects you found.

Raspberry Pi outdoor Camera

The project is to create an outdoor stop motion camera that can be powered over one cable and we can connect to remotely to monitor building site.

  • Shopping list:
  • Raspberry Pi 3 or 3. I bought Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
  • MakerHawk Raspberry Pi Camera IR Fisheye Wide-angle 150-160 Degree 5MP OV5647 Webcam Automatically Switching between Day-Vision and Night-Vision Shooing Mode for Raspberry Pi 2B/ 2B+/3B/3B+/4B
  • Active PoE Splitter Adapter Power Over Ethernet 48V to 12V
  • POE switch 48V (already had)
  • 6.2″x3.5″x2.5″(158mmx90mmx64mm) ABS Junction Box Universal Project Enclosure w PC Transparent Cover
  • Nylon Cable Gland with Locknut
  • CAT5 cable (internal or external)
  • AmazonBasics Circular Polarizer Filter – 77 mm

Software we are running on on Pi is Raspberry and the image capture is imgcomp by Matthias-Wandel https://github.com/Matthias-Wandel/imgcomp (very easy and well documented how to setup)

Things left to do:
Mount camera on off stands so camera is closer to camera filter.
Setup backup fo images nightly to google drive (rclone) https://rclone.org/

Science Hack Day Dublin Round-Up

A few weeks ago our space as packed for the annual Science Hack Day Dublin. A load of great projects were built over the weekend. Check out the video of the presentations.

Our own Jeffrey Roe was interviewed about Science Hack Day on https://soundcloud.com/dcfm-1032/community-chats-14th-march-2020us

Jump over to our gallery to see some photos from that weekend. https://www.tog.ie/gallery/nggallery/galleries/science-hack-day-dublin-2020

Covid-19 – Public Events in Tog

All Tog public events are cancelled until the 5th of April.

Tog is continuing to take measures to protect our members and the general public and by following advice from the HSE. The National Public Health Emergency Team has advised that individuals should reduce discretionary social contacts as much as possible.

In light of this advice, we have decided to cancel all open-door public events in the space until the 5th of April. These are all group nights and open social.

The space will remain open to our members in a limited capacity. Please do not show up unannounced as a visitor.

We are exploring options to move some events online and we will be putting together resources on social media to share some hacking and making skills while the public events are curtailed.

It will be a challenging time for our community and society at large. We are open to hearing ideas (email info@tog.ie ) from you on making the most of the current situation and keeping our community strong.

We send our best wishes to the medical staff who are dealing with this crisis and we encourage everyone to follow HSE advice.

Wave Hackers Experimental Music Group


An experimental audio research & performance group, a place for artists, dreamers, geeks, hackers, nerds, outcasts, weirdos, rebels and scientists to experiment and create. Everything from circuit bending to instrument design and creation. Everyone welcome no matter the experience level. Come learn and share but most importantly have some fun. Bonus points for bringing instruments to play.

There will be a PA and mixer along with a few crazy instruments on the night to play around with.

Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for the next six months as we explore our musical interests and experiments. For more details check out the event on meetup link below.


Cancelled – Dublin Comic Con – Spring Edition

Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.

DCC is a pop-culture/fandom event ideal as a family day out or a fan nerd out! Covering everything from movies/tv shows to comics, cosplay and gaming! Whether you are coming to find rare collectables, meet some Hollywood actors and local artists, have your portfolio reviews by industry professionals or simply cosplay.

Taking place on the 14th/15th of March in the Dublin Convention Centre. We will be showcasing a range of projects and activities including mould making, casting, wearables electronics and laser cut models.

You can book a ticket via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/dublin-comic-con-2020-spring-edition-tickets-74840707571?aff=erelexpmlt