Lockdown Pinhole Photography

Keeping making during lockdown is important, so time to do some pinhole photography, which we’ve done before at TOG. It’s incredible what you can do with almost nothing….. just a can, a few bits and some photo paper. You can take amazing long exposure photos, like this 3 month long exposure complete with sun tracks.

If you’d like to have a go, we have a limited amount of photo paper available. Get in touch with us and we can post you a sheet.

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12 years of Tog

This time of year we normally gather our members and the wider community to celebrate our birthday. Our community is now 12 years old.

Unfortunately our normal festivities are not possible with the current restrictions. We thank you all the for continued support over the years.We have moved a lot of events online. You can find them all on our Meetup page.


Coding nights, Crafting, book clubs, security research, Wikipedia contributions and nights of talks.But we have always been about sharing connections and experiences in person.

Here is a throwback to our first interview by the The Irish Times with members Jeffrey Roe & Robert Fitzsimons. We still believe about the importance of meeting in the physical world.


We hope to welcome you all back to our space and community when restrictions are lifted. Stay safe.

12 years of TOG – Holiday Hack Challenge Redo (part 1)

So, as promised we are going to start SANS Holiday Hack Challenge Redo run by Counter Hack Team. We will start with the latest 2020 challenge . You will need a valid email to create user account, which is instant. You can start straight away on your own or watch a couple helpful videos.

The first video that I would like talk about, it’s Ed Skoudis 2020 Hack Challenge Intro. Video is a great overview of this year challenge.

Second video is aimed at Hack Challenge first timers, it’s walk through the login page and the starting interface.

And don’t forget to join discussion later today at a dedicated Discord Channel https://discord.gg/MqCQkSzG. We start at 5pm today 🙂

This month we are going to focus on 2 objectives.

To help with starting the first objective you can watch this video:

Or read this article with helpful techniques. The online photo editor can be found here.

Watch the video below for the start of the second objective overview:

See you at Discord after 5pm GMT today, we will try to finish Objectives 1 &2 together.

12 years of TOG – a perfect time to do some hacking :-)

For the last five years I was getting more and more anxious the closer it was till the end of the year. Why so? The answer is very simple – the SANS Hack Challenge (https://holidayhackchallenge.com/2020/index.html) run online by Counter Hack Team (https://www.counterhack.com/expert-pen-testers). I have learnt plenty and had an immeasurable amount of fun while solving hacking challenges. This winter I found myself helping others with their tasks by giving hints and I discovered that I have learnt even more. The best part was seeing others to grow and to learn how to beat the tasks.

Unfortunately, SANS hack challenge is only once a year and I didn’t always managed to find enough spare time to solve all the puzzles. Luckily, there is a way to fix that.

So, this year to celebrate 12th birthday of Tog, there will be a pleasant surprise. A walk through a past SANS Holiday Challenges. We will start on the 23rd of January, all info will be posted online. So, keep an eye on our website and reserve time between 5 pm and 7 pm on the day to join the discussion on a dedicated Discord channel https://discord.gg/322Kw4bkQK.

TOG’s Christmas Craft Online Show And Tell

This festive season will be a bit different, but we’d still love to see you all for TOG’s annual Christmas Craft Night, so we’re going virtual this year. Drop into Discord, show us some festive crafts you are working on or get some ideas for those last-minute Christmas gifts.

We will be meeting up on Wednesday 16th from 7 pm. For more information visit our meetup page. https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/events/274864923/

Athlone Community College Calling ISS, Over

Athlone Community College has a once in a lifetime opportunity to make contact through amateur radio with the International Space Station (ISS) on 7th December 2020 at 2:50 pm.
Students from ACC will have about 11 minutes to put Athlone on the astronomical map as they make contact direct with the ISS while it orbits our planet at a speed of 27,600km/hr. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is part of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station programme (ARISS), which will see students from Athlone Community College speaking with U.S. Astronaut Shannon Walker onboard the ISS.

The event will be live-streamed on YouTube starting around 1:30 pm on Monday, December 7th. Watch for the live stream at: https://youtu.be/viVQBI4WzKs Contact with space station is about 2:50pm-3:00pm

Working with the students and staff of Athlone Community College will be Daniel Cussen our member the ARISS Radio Technical Co-ordinator. He will build, test and oversee the operation of the temporary “mission control” radio station EI1ISS. Daniel commented “I am thrilled that ACC has been chosen for this event. I am extremely passionate about amateur radio and technology and I am so excited to share my passion with these students and to inspire them to follow in my footsteps”

Find our more at https://www.ariss.org/upcoming-contacts.html