Electronics Night is Back!

With the Covid situation easing, we are re-starting our regular Electronics open evening in the space. This is one of our longest-running regular events. It has been a regular feature of our calendar since the early days of TOG. It takes place fortnightly on Monday evenings. Check our events calendar on this blog, Meetup and our social media for the next date.

These evenings are free to attend for members and visitors alike. No booking is necessary. Just turn up! Everyone from absolute beginner to experienced is welcome. These evenings are not classes or tutorials, rather a very friendly informal evening.

We have a wide range of people who come. Some are absolute beginners who do not even work or study in these areas but are interested to know more. Others have something that they are already working on. We almost always have some first-time visitors, and we always give them a tour of the space.

Come in with your Pi, Arduino, or whatever you have. Bring your laptop. Maybe you want to make something, solder, breadboard or use our electronic gear. Maybe you have some vague ideas and just want to get started, but you’re not sure how to. Or maybe you’re just curious……if so, it’s fine to come along and just see what others are doing. Hope to see you on the night.

During Covid, we moved into our new space in Bluebell. The space and our electronics room are still works in progress. If you would like to get even more involved and have the full use of our space, we would be delighted to have you as a full member. Membership brings many benefits.

We are located behind Mr Price and the Bright Lights store on Kylemore Road. There is lots of parking available. Hope to see you some Monday evening.

Engineers Week – Soldering Workshop

We are delighted to bring our first workshop to our new space. We are kicking things off in time for Engineers Week with a soldering workshop.

This hands-on workshop will cover various aspects of soldering; from the basic techniques of soldering to soldering electronic components to make simple circuits. Participants will learn how to solder and finish off the workshop with a kit they can bring home.

If you ever wanted to start your journey into electronics or want to move on from breadboard, learning to solder is a great step. We will have all the equipment and safety gear that you will need. The workshop will be led by Jeffrey and Gary. They have many years of experience building projects and leading workshops.

Date: Sunday 6th of March 12:00 – 14:00

Cost: €35 plus fees

Location: Unit 1B Motor City, Kylemore Road, Dublin 12, D12 KRW1

Booking via the following link https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/274454509827

No electronics skills are required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Workshop open to ALL. Limited to 8 participants per Workshop.

This event is one of many taking place during Engineers Week. Visit for more -> https://www.engineersireland.ie/schools/Engineers-Week


Check out photos from the event on our gallery.



Local Enterprise Week 22 – 5 Enterprise & Innovation Hubs discuss their unique offering

Local Enterprise Week is organised every year by the 31 Local Enterprise Offices across the country. Taking place from Monday 7th to Friday 11th March.

We are delighted to be taking part in a panel discussion called “The value of enterprise spaces & their unique offering to your business”. Event details are below.

Learn how Enterprise and Innovation Hubs can help entrepreneurs and small businesses start, sustain and grow” 

Panel Discussion with time for Q&A (the panel will participate in a discussion on the ecosystem, their perspective and their unique offering – services / supports) and how their Hub contributes to economic development and community.

This is a panel discussion is facilitated by Heidi Corr

Participating are 5 Enterprise and Innovation Hubs offering space and services to assist for startups and small businesses.

Eamonn Sayers, GEC, https://www.gec.ie/

Bernie Everard, Spade, https://www.spade.ie/

Nicole Edgerton, Talent Garden, https://talentgarden.org/en/

David Graham, Terenure Enterprise Centre, https://terenure-enterprise.ie/

Jeffrey Roe TOG, https://www.tog.ie/

To book your please visit https://www.localenterprise.ie/!QMB3AV

Building a TinyGS Station

Space is fun. Receiving data from space is even better. Below is a project built by our own Jeffrey Roe.

TinyGS is an open network of Ground Stations distributed around the world to receive and operate LoRa satellites, weather probes and other flying objects, using cheap and versatile modules.

The first step of the project is to load the software onto the TTGO LoRa32 V2. The TinyGS project provides a cross-platform flashing tool. It is then a very simple program to flash the firmware onto the microcontroller. The project then makes use of a Telegram bot to set up your station, issues you a username/password. If you wish to enable data transmission to the satellite you must have an amateur radio licence.

The main motivation for this project was to try out building my own antenna. A quarter-wave ground plane antenna is a great first project for people interested in radio. It requires only a small amount of tools. A youtube video from Andreas Spiess pushed me to think this was possible.

The first step of the antenna is to know the length of the radials(the bits on the side) and the monopole(the bit coming out the top). If you go along to this website, it has a handy calculator. We are trying to build a 433 Mhz for our purpose. I started out cutting up lengths of wire that I think is used for fencing. Sanding the ends of the wires to ensure an electrical connection.

Using the insides of terminal blocks, I connected the radials to an SMA Female Chassis Panel Mount. It made the build much easier. But the holes on the panel mount are just a little too small for the screws from the terminal blocks. I drilled them out a little to make enough room.

My brother helped to make a wooden plate and a little stand for the project. This allowed our outdoor testing as seen above. The next step was to bring the project outside and see would we receive any data. I was a bit unsure how the project would work out, so I had bought two units and one commercial antenna. The plan was to set them up in the back garden to test if my first antenna was up for the challenge of receiving data from a satellite in space.

The above photo shows both units in action. The unit on the right is our homemade antenna. They are on top of my washing line, held on with clamps in my back garden. It is in an urban back garden surrounded by houses. I had to wait around an hour for the first pass of a satellite.

The above is a side by side of the data received from both ground stations. The one on the left has the commercial antenna and the one on the right is my shiny new homemade antenna. I was very proud to see it working and even picked up an extra packet in the process. The data came from a CubeSat called Norby. You can read this paper about its build.

As darkness fell, so did the experiment end. Both units have now come into the house. I am still running my homemade unit on a windowsill until I get a chance to build an enclosure for it. Another task is to test out the antenna performance with a NanoVNA tool a member has loaned me. For more project photos check out our gallery. You can view the data the station is receiving online in real-time. https://tinygs.com/station/EI7IRB_2@747769602

If you are interested in taking up Amateur Radio as a hobby come along to this webinar. Amateur Radio – A Life Long Technical Hobby. A special Engineers Week event hosted by the Electronic and Computing division in Engineers Ireland and South Dublin Radio Club. It will feature me and Adrian Connor. Join us on March 10th.

Fitout Update – Painting, Flooring, & Electrics

It has been a while since we gave an update on our fitout works on Tog 4. Below are the highlights.


We have put down a wooden floor in our electronics room and common room. The flooring came from Tog 2 and Tog 3. it has been a big cost saving to be able to reuse the flooring.

Our machine room is made up of a cement plinth but it has lots of high points and holes. We have done our best to give it a rough levelling. Below is a video of Gary mixing up some self-levelling screed.

Continue reading “Fitout Update – Painting, Flooring, & Electrics”

Pingbase – Visit to a French hackerspace

This summer I had the privilege to visit a Hackerspace in Nantes, France.
Nantes is the 6th Largest city in France, with a metro population of around 1 million (Dublin clocks in at about 1.5 million for reference).

Pingbase is located in an urban residential neighbourhood, about 4km from the very centre of the city.

They share a large civic building with other associations in that neighbourhood.

Even though I phoned out of the blue, our very gracious hosts Sophie and Gregoire were able to meet us with less than 1 hour’s notice and gave us a comprehensive guided tour!

On the surface, the space offers similar amenities to Tog, but it’s roots and organisational structure are quite different.

Sophie and Gregiore explained that Pingbase is majority publicly funded, at 80%.
It was founded in 2004 with the values of:
– Social Solidarity
– Sharing
– Experimentation & Innovation
– General Civic Interest

This manifests itself in talks, training (including safety training for equipment), repair cafes, research and tool sharing schemes, all pro-actively promoted within the local community.

Pingbase offers a makerspace with the usual tools, like laser cutters etc… , a library, classrooms and social areas. If I had to guess I would say it is about the same size as Tog 3.0.

Pingbase has 9 paid staff, incorporating two “Community Employment Schemes” (as we would call them in Ireland). They have a significant employee presence to deal with community outreach.

Membership ranges from EUR90 per year for the un-waged, to EUR270 per year for an Enterprise membership. Note again that the majority of their costs are covered from public funding sources.



Visit https://www.pingbase.net/ for more details!

Association Ping, 38 Rue du Breil, 44100 Nantes, France.

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