50 Years of the 555 Timer IC

By de:User:Stefan506 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=351550

2022 marks 50 years since the release to market of the iconic 555 timer integrated circuit. The little 8-pin device was designed in 1971 by Swiss engineer Hans Camenzind for Signetics. Released in 1972, it became an instant success and has remained in production ever since. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, it was a rite of passage for any new budding electronics enthusiast to build a 555 circuit. The part was a staple of every enthusiast’s parts bin. Every electronics magazine carried 555 circuits and projects. There were even whole books of 555 projects. 50 years on, it is said that the 555 is possibly the most popular IC ever made, with production numbers in the billions. It can be bought for pennies. Among electronics makers, “Could have done it with a 555” is a common wisecrack in response to a fancy micro-controller project 🙂

We couldn’t let 2022 pass without celebrating the 50th birthday of this amazing little IC. Drop into TOG on Saturday 19th November from 3PM and build yourself a 555 circuit on breadboard. If you have no idea how to do this, don’t worry….. we’ll show you how. You can make something flash or buzz. You can even take away a souvenir 555 for free on us. This is a free workshop. Donations in support of TOG will be most welcome.

This event is part of Science Week which runs from the 13th to the 20th of November. Visit http://www.scienceweek.ie/ for more events.

Kitchen Lithography Workshop

Learn to create a lithograph print by making a printing plate using common items you can find in a kitchen and around the house. Participants will learn a novel and non-toxic process of creative printmaking that’s easily repeatable at home. This workshop is led by our own Louise Nolan.

10 places available. 

The course runs from 11 am-5 pm with a break for lunch on Saturday 19th of November. Cost €40 plus booking fee – includes materials.  Book via the link below.


This event is part of Science Week which runs from the 13th to the 20th of November. Visit http://www.scienceweek.ie/ for more events.

Caring for Repairing Exhibition & Féile

Caring for Repairing Exhibition & Féile, is taking place in Kilbeggan, Westmeath, Thursday 3rd – Sunday 6th November 2022. There are mending and fixing Workshops, Artist Talks, Restorative Activities and Live Performances, including the première of ‘Turning the Collar’ a documentary on professional repair practices.

We are delighted to be taking part and helping out at the festival. Jeffrey will be on a panel on the Friday of the festival that will explore how we can foster stronger and richer local, repair-based cultures. It would not be a repair weekend without some repairing so on Saturday he will be helping the great people at Jiminy for a special Toy Repair Café. Bring along all your torn soft toys, snapped plastic toys, burst inflatables and “missing a piece” toys. We will help you fix them.

For the full program of events visit https://www.repairacts.ie/exhibition/

CARE, HEALTH and HOUSING collaborative workshop

When: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – from 14:00 to 18:30

Where: Learning Studio: The Digital Hub, Digital Depot, Roe Lane (off Thomas Street) Dublin 8, D08 TCV4, Ireland


▪ Raise awareness on the right to adequate housing that must be “habitable”.
▪ Promote research collaboration between academia and local/national stakeholders to overcome the lack of information on housing quality at the community level to develop effective housing and health policies.
▪ Enhance residents’ empowerment in vulnerable communities to address violations of rights to adequate housing.
▪ Identify solutions needed across the system to transform health, community care and housing.

Our own Jeffrey Roe will be speaking at this workshop with a talk titled “Grass Roots Community Air Quality Network”. He will talk about the power of the Sensor.Community . What a community using the open source mindset can achieve.


Film Your Favourite Tool

Would you like to learn how to make videos?

Would you like to see more instructional videos on how to use various tools correctly?

Then let’s make them!

In this workshop, we will bring our favourite tool (and some material to use it with) and learn how to make a video that demonstrates and explains it in action for others.

In this way will build up a video library for tool demonstration and a video-making skills base for our maker community.

We will use our phones to film, edit and publish the videos.

Bring a tripod (just a cheap one from Tiger or a discount store will do) if you can.

By default, we will use TikTok as the app to make our videos with, although participants can use other methods/apps that they prefer (for example video editing apps such as VN and Capcut are free and available on both apple and android phones).

So what do you need to bring?

A tool (and material to use it with) and a phone (perhaps with a tripod so you can film it hands few) and an app such as TikTok installed on it.

Bring a script of what you want to say about your tool and how it works if it helps you.

You will make a short 1-2 minute video about the tool and how it’s used that can go up on tog’s wiki and video channel so others can get an idea of how to use it.

We’ll also run through the basics of making a video with TikTok too.

You can choose whether or not to publish the video you create, so don’t worry about making mistakes or being on camera.

It will be a relaxed workshop that is open to anyone of any video skill level.

There will be a €5 donation suggested for non-members to tog for use of the space, due to tog being a member-funded community space.

See you Sunday 16 October 4-6 pm in Tog!