January Repair Café

Do you have broken items at-home – clothes, small appliances, toys, electronics?

No need to throw them away!
Save your things from the landfill and your wallet from having to replace them.

Bring them to our repair café and learn how to fix them together with our volunteers. We have tools, materials, space to work on your item, and repair experts who will help you with your repair.

TOG members will be on hand to show you around the space – come and enjoy a tea or coffee and a tour while you wait!

What objects can you bring in?

  • Clothes and accessories
  • Toys
  • Small electrical appliances and electronics
  • Small furniture
    … and many other things!
    Safety (PAT) testng for electrical devices will be available.

Where? – TOG, Unit 1B Motor City
Kylemore Road, Dublin 12

When? – Saturday January 28th, 11 am – 4 pm
Admission free – all are welcome!

If you would like to be a fixer, drop us an email.

Check out the types of things we fixed at our last events.

DIY Your Way to an Electric Vehicle

Attention all DIY enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting project that is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly? Look no further than converting your own electric vehicle (EV).

Reduce, reuse, recycle – but for vehicles.

Imagine THAT car from your youth – but as an EV. Or maybe a runaround that needs little maintenance and is cheap to run?

Join fellow bike, car and motorbike tinkerers that have started the journey to convert their vehicles to EVs.

Sunday 26th February – 2 pm to 4 pm

This is an informal meetup to talk, see inside and ask questions all about the EV conversation process. This is a child-friendly event – bring the whole family. Book a ticket below.


We’ll have tea and coffee available on site and Tog has an affordable tuck shop with fizzy drinks and snacks. Please add a donation to your ticket to support this non-profit space. Suggested donation: €10

Fiachra Cooke Audi 80

If you would like to showcase your conversion please get in touch.

This event is run in partnership with the Electronic and Computing division of Engineers Ireland. The Electronic and Computing division members work in software development and testing, including the gaming industry; mobile and fixed line telecommunications; internet services; embedded systems development and signal processing.


Check out our gallery for snaps from the day.


Joining The Irish Men’s Sheds Association

We have joined the Irish Men’s Sheds Association. Their mission is to support the development of the burgeoning men’s sheds movement in Ireland. A grassroots organisation, they believe strongly in the autonomy of each individual shed, as they strive for a future in which all men have the opportunity to maintain and improve their well-being on their own terms and within their own communities.

We hope being a part of this association will help us reach a wider community and learn from the many other sheds.


Maker Residency in Buinho

Our very own Jeffrey has headed off on a maker-in residency program to Buinho, a fablab in rural Portugal.

The residency is all about getting immersed in various activities related to social awareness and education, ending with repair café with Christmassy vibes. A cultural exchange with different age-groups, community-based educational activities, visit to local schools, and support of the local repair café. The week culminates with the first ever repair cafe held in Messejana at their annual Christmas festival.

Buinho is a Creative Hub and the first rural Fablab in Portugal. Since 2015, creatives, makers, educators, and researchers unite in Messejana to experiment, prototype and learn. The aim of the association is to be an inspiring place, which fosters creativity, collaboration and innovation at the intersection of arts, technology and society. They offer various educative programs, private accommodation, different studios, and a creative residency program open for artists and makers from all over the world.

This residency is part of an Erasmus+ project, entitled “WeRepair”, coordinated by Buinho Associação and whose partners are Fablab Cuenca (Spain) and Mountain Makers (France).

December Mechanical Keyboard Meetup

The MK Ireland Discord in collaboration with Tog Hackerspace presents an Irish mechanical keyboard meetup! 4th of December from 3 pm in Tog Hackerspace (D12 CF6V behind Mr Price)

Bring your keyboard(s) along and meet other hobbyists, chat about modding and building keyboards, or if you don’t have a keyboard but are curious about mechanical keyboards, come along and try other people’s keyboards and chat with those in the know.

We’ll have tea and coffee available on site and Tog has an affordable tuck shop with fizzy drinks and snacks.

Please add a donation to your ticket to support this non-profit space. Suggested donation: €10
