Coding Wednesdays 7pm

Calling all web-monkeys and code-monkeys.

On Wednesdays I will be inviting anyone that wishes to be in an environment that is friendly to a coder to come along and make some progress or a start on a project of your choice.

We all have ideas and great intentions to work on some code whether its PHP, JAVA, C or one of the many programing languages that are known within TOG, but at home there can be alot of distractions. I want to provide a time where fellow programmers can come to the space and get some work done. With the added bonus of having other programmers around, you have the option to bounce ideas off a fellow coder.

Or maybe you’d like to learn a programming language and have been wondering how to go about it. We have a tonne of books in our library, so grab your laptop, grab a book and get going. I’d be happy to help you get started, as I’m sure others there on the night will also. Any questions, contact me directly.

So put it in your diaries, and see you Wednesday at 7pm

*EDIT* If you are not a member you are welcome to come to the night, I just ask you email me to let me know so I can keep track of numbers (contact form in full post)

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Hackers on the BBC

Our friends over at NYCResistor pointed this one out to me, the BBC catch up with some hackers over in London. Great to see my type of people in the media 🙂

Micro-controller Mondays

Mondays are going to be the first designated day for a group to meet within the space. I’m happy to see that a good few members have taken a shine to Arduinos and being inspired  by the fun things that can be done with them with projects on the internet and by other hackerspaces.


So grab your Arudinos, pic’s and programers, electrical components, laptops and your great ideas and meet us in the space on the Monday the 6th of July at 7pm and we’ll see what we can do when we put our minds together.

See you all on Monday

Robots Ireland

David from has set Wednesday the 24th of June as the first meeting of the Irish Robotics Club to be held in the Science Gallery between 7-8pm in Studio 2 upstairs. It will be mainly geared around stirring interest in the club and getting everyone together and hopefully make the club a success.

The link to David’s write up is here

Workbenches in TOG

A few members put their heads together and built workbenches in the space over the weekend. Edster has made additions on the TOG pic’s page to show the workbenches here for you all to see

TOG has a place to call home

TOG has a place to call home, we have just signed the lease on 3-room office space on Arran Quay. There will be plenty of space for everyone as we start to grow. It’s about 550 square foot with a bathroom and a shower. Soon we’ll start to distribute keys to full members and get people settled

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If you want to see what o the place looks like Edster has taken some pic’s and put them up here for everyone to see. Home news on the space to follow.