The joys of 3D printing

This lecture on “3D printing” will outline the various 3D printing techniques in general and the printing with printers such as the Open Source MakerBot in particular.

No experience needed.

Linux for everybody!

This demonstration will allow you to take a first or closer look at the operating system Linux. There is a flavour for everybody, and we invite you to try them all!

We will show you how to use your basic day-to-day programs to surf the net or watch a movie. We will show you how to find the right program and install it. And most importantly: how to get Linux onto your computer.

Free Firewalling – All it costs is patience

There are many open source choices for a firewall these days and Packet Filter is one of the more common ones. This talk will go through the setup and structure of a Packet Filter firewall and a walk through of a complete Packet Filter firewall rule set.

Networking knowledge would be handy, as well as some Linux/UNIX experience since we will be using the command line.

Secure yourself online

The Internet has become the way in which we naturally communicate in our daily lives. Accessing the Internet in work, on the move and at home is becoming the norm and most people don’t realize the many ways that we are becoming vulnerable with each click of a mouse.
We will be going through the common mistakes made when protecting personal data from outsiders, and showing some safety measures that anyone can take to protect their data online.

There will be a presentation on the topic followed by discussion.
No experience needed.

Workshop mentioned in the Irish Times

It’s always nice to get retweeted on Twitter, we get a strange thrill from seeing the stats from the website, and we absolutely love chatting to people in IRC. But nothing really beats getting mentioned in the national press.

A couple of days ago we were mentioned in an article by John Holden, of the Irish Times, as part of his review of events on offer for Science Week. You can read it here. It was our Building It event that caught his attention. A day-long workshop taking you right through from designing, to building an electronic device. The workshop will run twice, Saturday 13th, and Sunday 21st. See the event listing for more details and to sign up! (Also, check out the other events being run as part of Science Week and Innovation Dublin.)

Inside a PC

This talk will outline the basics of what’s inside a PC.

We will go through each of the components and demonstrate how they work together. Some of those computer parts (such as the hard drive) will be further taken apart to show you how they look and work on the inside.
You will furthermore get the opportunity to take apart the pieces yourself, as well as to put them back together again.