Homemade snow plow

Ever got annoyed with the snow and wish you could just push it all out of the way?

Check out what few people in tog built last week. Improvements to be made on next version (When it snow) larger angel on plow, heavier wheat on the blade on the bottom.


Builders: Christian, Liam

Shopping list:

  1. Scrap wood
  2. Scrap mettle
  3. 2 x hinges
  4. Bolts


  1. Car
  2. Welder

Pretty and Bright – DIY Christmas Ornaments

This workshop is for the creative ones among you!
The use of scissors, glue and a soldering iron should not scare you, and the eagerness to try new things should be your second nature.
We will be working with paper, glitter pens, LED lights, resistors, wires and plastic spheres.

The fun will last the whole afternoon, and 15€ will cover all your material costs.

Building it!

During this day-long workshop, you will be walked through the process of designing an interactive electronic device: from an initial idea right through to the working device.

We will start off with a presentation covering the whole design process. Next we will demonstrate the necessary steps and tools in more detail. And last but not least you will assemble the finished device.
The device we will be building will be a Mini Mood Light. Consisting of two multicoloured LED’s, a small micro controller and a number of buttons which will allow the user to selected a suitable colour which reflects their mood. We’ll be demonstrating each of the steps including schematic capture, PCB layout, PCB fabrication and programming the micro controller.

You should have a basic understanding of electronics and the C programming language. The workshop is targeted at makers and amateur inventors who want to use open source tools to create open hardware devices.

The workshop will be run three times over the period of Science Week and Innovation Dublin Festival. Each workshop will run from 11:00 through to approximately 17:00, with a break for lunch. Food will not be provided, but we have a full kitchen and there are shops/takeaways nearby.

The cost of the workshop will be 40€ waged, 30€ unwaged and 20€ tog members.

The numbers are going to be limited to eight adult/older teen participants per workshop, but we also hope to video stream and record some of the last workshop.

Dublin 27C3 Peace Mission

We’ll be hosting a Dublin 27C3 Peace Mission for those unable to make it to the 27C3 conference in Berlin during the 27th to 30th of December.

The space will be open to visitors from 11.30 am until mindnight as per the conference schedule:

We will be streaming video from the conference in Berlin 27th to 30th of December. Also the workshop and common areas will be open to visitors who want to work on projects or socialise like during the hackathons. There is full kitchen facilities so bring food if you like.

Can Crusher

Just finished up an other project, its a wall mounted can crusher

Shopping List:

  2. Power supply 24v
  3. 3 way switch ON, OFF, ON
  4. Cables ties
  5. Scarp wood
  6. Bit of time