We where able to print one of the Urinals for http://flanagankev.posterous.com/
Also check out http://robmyers.org/weblog/ for more details on this project
Check out Video of it printing once again
The Dublin Hackerspace
We where able to print one of the Urinals for http://flanagankev.posterous.com/
Also check out http://robmyers.org/weblog/ for more details on this project
Check out Video of it printing once again
This hands on workshop will cover various aspects of soldering; from the basic techniques of soldering, to soldering electronic components to make simple circuits. Participants will learn how to solder and finish off the workshop with a kit they can bring home. Check out some photos from previous workshops in our gallery.
General Public €15.00, Students/Unwaged €12.00, TOG Members €10.00
Saturday 19th of February. 10:30 to 14:00
In TOG. See our location page.
No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Workshop open to ALL Places are limited.
We’ve arranged two diverse and interesting talks for our social night during Engineers Week on the evening of Thursday 17th from 7pm.
The first talk will be from Charlie who will be talking about geodesic domes and how to build them in Ireland.
Title: Triangles all the way down
Subtitle: How to build a large, strong geodesic dome in Ireland
Description: A discussion of what geodesic domes are, why they are popular all over the world, and how you can easily build a big one in Ireland with minimal tools.
Our second talk from Paul McDonnell who works with HEAnet, Ireland’s National Education & Research Network will cover the change from IPv4 to IPv6 and how it will effect our lives and the Internet.
Title: IPv4 depletion and IPv6
Description: With the depletion of IPv4 addresses likely before the end of 2011 now is the time to move to IPv6. This talk will cover the current state of IPv4/IPv6, how to connect now using IPv6 and the future of the Internet.
After the talks will be plenty of time to discuss the talks with the presenters and other attendees.
Both these talks and the open social night are free and open to the public. This night is only suitable for over eighteens and BYOB.
This event is free and open though only suitable for over eightteens, BYOB. Please let is know if you are coming by using the form below.
Thursday 17th of February. 19.00- 22.00
In TOG. See our location page.
This is a friendly introductory tutorial to programming for the Arduino platform micro-controllers. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.
When you leave, we hope you have enough knowledge to go on and start your own programs.
This event is free and open to everyone. Please let is know if you are coming by using the form below.
Tuesday 15th of February. 19.30- 21.30
In TOG. See our location page.
You don’t need an arduino to attend this event. You are welcome to bring yours along and work though the examples as we do them.
If you are attending this event why not check out our Sunday workshop, where you can put your newly learn skills to work.
Before the party last week TOG held it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2011. After reviewing the treasurer’s report for 2010 and some discussion, the group has decided to reduce the standard membership rate to €45 per month (down from €50), the starving hacker rate will stay at €30 per month.
TOG has established itself as a charitable organisation and is non-commercial and not-for-profit. Our intention is that our membership fee will be set so that it covers our operating costs. Our operating costs include rent, insurance, fees, electricity, gas, internet, etc.
Since moving to our new space in June 2010 our operating costs and membership income have now stabilised. So we are now at a point where we can start reducing the standard rate which has be set at €50 since we first began collecting money early in 2009. As more members come in, we hope to continue this process.
We’re participating in Engineers Week again this year (14th-20th February) with our regular activities and some special events.
Monday, 14th of February, 19:00- 22:00 – Electronics and Micro controller Group Night – 555 Timer Intro
Tuesday, 15th of February, 19:30- 21:30 – Arduino 101 – Learn to Blink
Wednesday, 16th of February, 19:00- 22:00 – Computing/Networking/Programming Group Night – OS Install Demo
Thursday, 17th of February, 19:00- 22:00 – Geodesic domes and IPv6 – Open Social Night
Saturday, 19th February 2011, 10:30-14:00 – Soldering Workshop Sold Out
Sunday, 20th February 2011, 11:00-17:00 – LED Dot Matrix Display Workshop
The weekend of the 19th and 20th is also a Synchronous Hackathon weekend running each day from 11:00 to late. So we’ll be participating in the Global Hackerspace Challenge which will be announced within a week. Update: The challenge involves submiting an entry to the 555 Contest. We’re hoping for have a small 555 night on the Monday to introduce people to the wonders of 555 timer IC.
All the weekday events and hackathon are free, the workshops have a cost and the challenge might have a small materials cost/donation. All the events are targeted at adults and mature older teens.