Open Social with Tunes


This weekends Open Social will have a bit of a twist. There will be some live music to go along with the usually good mix of food, drinks and chat.

The social will kick off at 7pm this Saturday the 2nd of July until late. Feel  free to bring your own beer and food along.  It’s a great chance to visit the space and see what we are all about.This event is free and open to the public.

Dan a member of Tog will be giving an update on the great work being done at  Cloughjordan, a new eco village, located in Tipperary.

Cloughjordan is a new concept in living. With Fibre Optic Internet to
every home, communal heating system, low energy concept housing, and a hackers dream, a fab-lab with laser cutter and a shop bot robotic machine. The fab-lab is still in construction with the foundations laid. Dan visited the village as part of the food festival and will explain how the village works and how they need help from hackers to get the best of technology to drive the economy.

After the talk we will have a set from Ewan from Boy Scout Audio  Restricted to a mere 16 notes per pattern and 16 patterns per track, he squeezes the last drops of musical juice from a Nintendo DS, battering the synthesised daylights out of the bare-bones Korg DS-10 software that is the sole sound of his music. Csixtyforce and Zyme from Gamepak have also been added to the line up. Bring on the chip tunes.

Origami workshop

Curious about origami, whether you’ve never tried it before or are interested in learning new tricks and folds? Sign up for our hands-on origami workshop on Friday, July 8th, taught by Jamie O’Leary! We will start by learning how to do simple folds and shapes for beginners, then move on to more advanced stuff for people with previous knowledge (or innate talent!). Paper will be provided, books will be available, and advice freely handed. Everyone is welcome!

When? Friday, July 8th, from 7pm to 9pm
Cost: Free, and open to all — though please do register in advance, as space is limited (registration form below the picture)

The workshop is full! You can still sign up to be added to the waiting list, we’ll notify you if a space frees up. This also lets us know if there is interest in organising another similar event!

Continue reading “Origami workshop”

DIY heat exchange system

Thanks to all that came to social last week we are almost there with the DIY heat exchange system we are going to put on roof and start to heat the space.

Will be trying to finish off this weekend at Hackathon if anyone is about drop in and bring a project.

June Social, Projects Night and Summer Fund

The beginning of June represents the one year anniversary of TOG moving into Chancery Lane or TOG 2.0. To celebrate we’ll be having a dinner party during the June 4th social night.

So what do you want from a TOG dinner party? Ordinary three course meal; formal four course meal; party food; experimental cooking; BBQ; bring-your-own?

We’ve a reasonably equipped kitchen and BBQ. We expect to meet up in TOG about 2pm for the clean up, shopping, preparation, cooking/baking, with dinner starting about 6-7pm. If you like to attend, cook or bring something comment below. We’ll probably have a small contribution to cover the food costs. BYOB.

Following on from the March event we’ll also be having Projects Night on Saturday. Participants will have a short opportunity to present projects they have worked since the last meeting and any new projects they hope to work on over the next three months. We expect this meeting to run from about 8pm to 9pm.

Somewhat related to the Projects Night we are announcing our Summer Fund. Over the three summer months this fund will provide approximately €120 per month for a group project(s). The exact criteria hasn’t been set yet. But it will likely involves a lump sum being give to a project to buy parts/materials for a project which involves/stimulates group activity in the space. Project suggestions and participation from non-members is welcomed.

Squishy Circuits Workshop

Tog will be hosting a Squishy Circuits workshop on Saturday 2nd of July, taught by Tríona O’Connell.

Squishy circuits are a great way to demonstrate electrical circuits to kids (and adults!).  It consists of a conductive dough and an insulating dough that are used in the building of circuits, along with batteries and more usual electrical components like motors and LEDs.

During the workshop, we will make some batches of both types of dough, and afterwards we’ll see some useful demos you can use to teach with it, and also have some hands-on fun building circuits.

Making the dough will involve lots of flour, so don’t wear your favourite black outfit, but apart from that there shouldn’t be too much of a mess.  There’ll be demonstrations of how you can use the dough to investigate resistance in a circuit.

And the fun part, building sculptures that incorporate electrics, or building giant squishy circuit boards.  You can bring your imagination and build whatever you fancy.  Tríona will be on hand to offer help or suggestions as needed.

Snail with LEDs made of conductive dough

This workshop is free to attend although registration is required, as space is limited. It will last about 2 hours, starting at 2:00pm. You can use the form below to register.

— The workshop is full! You can still sign up to be added to the waiting list, we’ll notify you if a space frees up (this also lets us know if there is interest in organising another similar event) —

What to bring? Bring a 9V battery. Optionally, if you’re already familiar with Arduinos you can bring your own (this is optional and there’ll be plenty to do without one!).

Continue reading “Squishy Circuits Workshop”