Working on some plexy glass today taking the plexy and putting on side of bench you are able to heat up the side of it and then press down on it with piece of wood. This is shown in images below. What I did was took a piece of red plexy bigger than A4 and then measuring in few cm on each side bending over making sides. Then to fill in back and bottom just cut piece of see threw plexy and glued with super glue.
Website moving servers
Site is at present under construction we are in process of moving servers!
LaTeX workshop
Tog will be hosting an introduction to LaTeX workshop, kindly taught by Triona O’Connell.
During the first part of the workshop we will learn about LaTeX in a hands-on fashion: the syntax, how to build a file, how to debug when a problem occurs, etc.
The second part will be about trying things out with Latex, and attendees are also welcome to bring files they’re having trouble with so we can look at fixing problems.
When: Wednesday, September 21st, from 7pm to 9pm
Fee: 3€ for non-members, free for members. Please register using the form below!
Attendees should bring their laptop.
Continue reading “LaTeX workshop”
6month Pinhole photo
After going to Makerfair UK with a few people we got a chance to create these long long long exposure cameras made from Beer can and some photo paper Read more here
Sun photoed every day for 6 months and playing a little with the levels. Just put photo paper in a beer can and put a pin in it leave up for a few months and scan in photo.
Pinhole Photo Workshop
We had some fun yesterday with pinhole cameras made from soft drinks cans. A bit of trial and error was order of the day. Exposures ranged from 5 seconds to 10 minutes.
We also recovered a long-term pinhole camera which has been mounted high-up in TOG’s yard, and exposing for several months. Unfortunately it got a bit wet inside at some point which damaged the paper slightly, but you can still clearly see the tracks of the sun and the outline of the roof. Check out the gallery soon for more pictures.
Hackerspace @ Electric Picnic
Members from hackerspaces all over Ireland will be forming a temporary
hackerspace at Electric Picnic this year.
We will be in Mindfield area on Saturday and Sunday from 6pm to 8pm. Our home for the weekend will be the incredible inflatable Ignition Stage. We will be running drop in workshops. Details of the workshops below. Come on by to learn, share, create.
Soldering Workshop
Learn how to solder. Make a pocket LED touch (Might come in handy
finding your tent) or a Flashing LED badge.
Origami Workshop
Origami experts will be on hand to teach you the art of paper folding.
Sit down and let your troubles fold away. Flapping Birds and Paper
flowers are waiting for you to fold them.
Craft Workshop
Do you fancy yourself a bit crafty ? A bunch a friendly crafters will
be ready to help you create your own unique LED bracelet or necklace.