I’ve extended my Lilypad Arduino LED-Matrix top to make use of SparkFun’s ‘wearable’ keypad. Now you can draw on the top in LEDs! More details, especially on construction, on my blog.
Hand-Sewing Workshop; update
Hey all, I’m not long home from the Basic Hand-Sewing Workshop, and just wanted to say how much fun I had, how great it was to meet such good students, and to throw up a picture of their handiwork (that I’m very proud of)! They came in unable to sew (mostly) and left with finished (mostly), functional bags!
Next up is the Eletro-Sewing Workshop, where we’ll get to put our new found sewing skills to good use!
Workshop: Electro-sewing
We would like to invite you to Tog’s first ever electronic sewing workshop! As a simple first project, we will be making nice looking flowers with a LED centre.
We’ll be working with silver conductive thread (instead of wire), and creating a small circuit to power the LED (small light) from a coin-cell battery. The circuit will be hidden in the body of the felt flower, and the whole lot attached through a clip. You will get your choice of fabric and LED colours, so you can make something you could actually wear š
If you’re interested in attending, ideally you already know how to hand sew (if not how come you missed our previous hand-sewing workshop!), but if not we’ll do our best to show you enough to complete the project on the day.
When: Friday, October 21st, from 7pm to 9pm
Cost: ā¬5 for non-members, free for members (all materials provided on the day)
Space being very limited, please sign up using the form below the break. and we’re full-up now! If you’d like to contact us about similar events in the future please feel free to use the form below.
Flyers have arrived
Darklight Festival
Darklight takes place from Thursday 20 ā Saturday 22 October in the The Factory, Barrow St.Ā TicketsĀ areĀ availableĀ via the darklight website from ā¬10.