Engineers Week Talks

TOG will be hosting a night of short talks as part of engineers week on Thursday 1st of March . Each talk will be twenty minutes long on a range of interesting topics. The space will open from 18.30 with the talks starting at 19.15. The event is free and open to all.

Talk 1


Blurb: Not effects, e-f-f-e-c-t. If your presentation doesn’t have an effect, why do it? Rowan will delve into the elements that will raise your talk from the level of background noise, get audiences to pay attention, and ultimately, get them to take action as a result of your talk. Presenting can be powerful and effective if you give a little extra thought in advance. Rowan will show you where to focus your efforts to best effect.


Presentation skills demon, PowerPoint nerd, wordsmith, storyteller, speaker, trainer, and dancing bear.

Talk 2

Title: Data erasure for the security conscious and the overly paranoid pervert.

Blurb: Lets discuss some of the commonly used methods of data erasure and

why they might just be overkill due to the limitations of modern forensic investigation tools.
Will include a couple of live demos of file deletion and recovery (or lack there of).


Kevin is a full time student studying computer forensics and security at Waterford institute of Technology. He founded the WIT Hackers Society in Jan2011 and was involved in the organisation of the CampusCon hacker conference. He loves hacking, forensics & networking.

Talk 3

Title: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – “keeping it real”.

Blurb: We live in exponentially changing times. This talk sets out to showcase why CPD is so important.
Dismissing the ‘turgid’ HR type definition of CPD for a more verbose real life CPD.
The talk will explains the different stages of CPD though a person career.


Chartered Engineer Joe Fitzpatrick, BE CEng FIEI, is the Program Director
for Industry Solutions Development with IBM Software Group in Ireland.

Talk 4

Title: Broadcast Yourself, without the Internet – An Introduction to Amateur Television and how to start your own TV station

Blurb: We have all heard of CB radio where anyone can talk to anyone without the internet. A step up from that is Amateur Television where anyone can start broadcasting television and others pick up the picture.


Daniel Cussen
Daniel Cussen an Electronic Engineer will explain what’s needed to get involved, and how Dublin-wide coverage of his TV system was recently achieved. A little bit of electronics wizardry, a video camera and a TV is all that is needed

Space Open/Closed project

We are now live on Hackerspaces API. This project is based off a Bifferboard running Debian that checks I/O port 11 on the Bifferboard to see if its connected to knife switch. It then connects to websites and updates every minutes with status if space is open or closed. Great bit of hardware and cheap enough for something with IO. Next step is to connect to IRC to update channel with status. More details on wiki.

^^ Status of space is updated on website here and the to left <<



Origami Workshops: Animals!

Fancy learning how to make paper animals? Join this specially themed origami workshop, taught by Jamie O’Leary!

The “Animals” workshop will run twice. To attend, you should already be familiar with origami, for instance having attended one of our previous events. If you’re a complete beginner, worry not, for we’re also doing a re-run of the “beginner” workshop.

Workshop #1 – Beginners. Saturday, February 18th. 2pm to 4pm.
Cost: €5 for non-members, free for members.

Workshop #2a – Animals. Wednesday, February 22nd. From 7pm to 9pm
Cost: €5 for non-members, free for members.


Workshop #2b – Animals. Sunday, February 26th. From 2pm to 4pm.
Cost: €5 for non-members, free for members.

Please sign up using the form below. Make sure to indicate which day(s) you would like to attend in the message box.

Origami Animals
(No animals were harmed during the making of this picture.)

Continue reading “Origami Workshops: Animals!”

Security Talk Series: Introduction to IT Security and Wireless Security Workshop

IT Security
Due to a huge interest of this talk, it is currently waiting list only now. I will review number of seats/tables for each event at the weekend. Still book a place as places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. I am also considering running the same talk on a 2nd date too. Stay Tuned!

Title: Introduction to Security
Date: Thursday 16th of February 2012
Time: 19.30 – 21:00
Venue: TOG
Cost: Free
Limited to 30 places.

Title Wireless (WiFi) Security Workshop
Date: Saturday 10th of March 2012
Time: 13.00 – 17:00
Cost : Free
Limited to 14 places


I will give a talk titled “Introduction to IT Security”. Many people are interested in the area or see it as the great unknown. This will be the beginning of a series of talks that will take place in TOG covering the area of IT Security and all it’s ups and downs.

I will also be running a Wireless Security Workshop where I will set up wireless networks to be attacked and go through the process of doing so as well as explaining the reasons why the attack works.

Continue reading “Security Talk Series: Introduction to IT Security and Wireless Security Workshop”

eVoting Discussion

The Irish Government is planning on disposing of it’s eVoting machines and is seeking tenders. Various members of TOG are interested in this, and seeing if we can get some eVoting machines, so we’re going to have a meeting/discussion/brainstorming session in the space at 9pm Saturday 4th February.

If you’re interested in this topic, please come along!

Birthday Party

Saturday the 28th of January 2012 marks TOG’s 3rd birthday. You know
what that means.

PARTY!!!! And yellow rubber ducks.

The plan is to start at around 19:00 in TOG. Our last few get togethers
have been a great success and keep getting better so let’s try to top
them all. Make it passed 05:00 this time!

Hacking, eating, drinking, making, gaming, singing, dancing, arranging
rubber ducks into various positions – whatever takes your fancy.

So come one, come all. Bring your good self, your friends, your family,
vagrants, strangers, pets, more rubber ducks, plastic army men and
anything else you think may or may not be appropriate. Everyone is

We hope to see you all there.