Lots and Lots of sugar

Lots of Sugar consumed at this week’s Craft Night. Some would say too much. To those we replied ‘bah, here, take some home with you!’ It was a great turn out, some even showed up unaware of the sugar assault that lay in wait for them.

We cooked, we baked, we iced, and we ate! (Tog accepts no responsibility for doctor or dentist expenses.) If you missed it, stayed tuned, we may be planning future foodie events *theatrical wink*

Mind you for some of us the night was lost in a sugar-haze, so join us in trying to remember what exactly happened. (Yay for cameras!)

Craft Night with added Sugar

Hello again Crafters! It’s been a long year, many projects were started, a few even finished, and it’s always good to see your toil pay off. So we at tog reckon it’s time for a Craft Night reward. The next Craft Night (Tuesday, 13th) will be a special cookies and sugarcraft night! We’ll be baking cookies, icing them, and someone even mentioned hot chocolate πŸ™‚

If that’s not your thing don’t worry, it will be a regular Craft Night too, just with added sugar-fueled giddiness from the kitchen! The sugary rewards are available to anyone on the night doing any craft. And it’s also the last Craft Night of the year (to begin again in January), so why not? Come along, have some fun πŸ˜€

A Taste of R workshop: 2nd edition

After the success of the first one, Tog will be hosting our second “Taste of R” workshop on December 12th, taught by Kevin O’Brien (Dublin-R). R is a programming language used for statistics.

This is a repeat of the November 24th workshop, targeted at complete beginners. Students should be reasonably familiar with computers and have knowledge of loops. The statistical content will be kept as straightforward as possible.

When? Monday, December 12th, from 7.30pm till around 9.30pm
Cost: €5 for non-members, free for members

Please use the form below the cut to sign up. Updated to add: we’re full! You may still sign up to be added to the waiting list.

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