Lock Picking Group appears in National Press

Ever since one of our venerable members freed some young love, the Tog’s lock pickers have been found to be recently making some waves in the national press by liberating the Ha’ Penny Bridge of it’s Love Locks.

“Anyone who lives in or visits the city regularly will notice how clumps of the locks – added by couples as a public display of their affection – seem to build-up gradually, before apparently disappearing overnight.

So who’s taking them down? Well, in some instances it’s Dublin City Council, who regard the practice as a nuisance which could damage the structure and paintwork. ‘Helping’ the council to tackle the problem are – believe it or not – a group of Dublin ‘hackers’ who like to pick padlocks as a hobby, and say it can be like a form of ‘meditation’ after a long day staring at a computer screen.”

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Meet the hackers’ group tackling the Ha’penny Bridge’s ‘love’ problem…



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Lockpickers Of Love

Meeting every second Tuesday, the Lock Picking Group is free and open to everyone. The next meeting is on Tuesday 16th of July from 7:30pm onwards.

OHM: Irish Embassy




OHM 2013 “Observe, Hack, Make”

This is a five day outdoor international camping conference, hosted every four years, for hackers, makers and those with an inquisitive mind. On 31st July 2013, 3000 of those minds will descend upon on an unassuming patch of land, at the Geestmerambacht festival grounds, 30km north of Amsterdam.

The Irish hacker & maker communities travelling to OHM invites you all to join us in forming an “Irish Embassy” This will be our village presence at the camp. We’ll be show casing any participant projects and coming up with new collaborative initiatives as the camp progresses. Become one of the Irish inhabitants or at least drop by and say Conas ata tú? We look forward to seeing all our friends and making new ones.

Love Locks No More

IMAG0803UPDATE: Everything needs a Twitter, right? @LockLockNoMoreOver the last few weeks a lot of people have been asking the lockpickers in TOG if we have looked at picking the locks off the Ha’penny Bridge. With recent discussion on Reddit and the Irish Times I thought it might be a good time to give it a go 🙂

From looking at the bridge over the years, there is definite damage being done by people attaching their Love Locks to the bridge. Some countries welcome the Love Locks to their bridge but the Ha’penny bridge is not one of them. The Dublin City Council have to spend time and money removing these locks from the bridge. DCC did a big clear up a few weeks ago and they are slowly starting to creep back on.

Continue reading “Love Locks No More”

Learn to Solder Summer Festivals


We are bringing out famous ‘Learn to Solder’ area to a number of festivals this summer. Our fun packed area gives kids of all ages the chance to learn some basics electronics and soldering skills. As always we use partfusion‘s ( Irish Maker)  fabulous I can solder badge and we will have a few surprise kits this summer too. We hope to see you at some of the festivals listed below.



Continue reading “Learn to Solder Summer Festivals”

Electronics Bootcamp

640px-Kondansator_(3)Its time for our electronics bootcamp again. This is a quick, practical / hands-on introduction to electronics. Its suitable for complete beginners, as no previous knowledge is required. If you’re curious about electronics and don’t know where to start, then this is for you. No soldering required, as we build everything on plug-in breadboards. We’ll be building and testing circuits covering DC, AC, analog and digital electronics.

You’ll have a chance to play with components, multimeters, oscilloscopes, signal generators and other electronic test equipment.

This event will be run over 2 half-Saturdays, the first half on Sat 13th July and the second half on Sat 20th July, from 12:00 to 17:30 each day. Cost for the bootcamp is €50. To sign up, open this article and fill in the form. There are 8 places available.