New toys in TOG Spot Welder

As always at the BBQs at tog there is fire and dismantling of stuff involved. Group of us on Sunday during the BBQ took apart an old welder that was quite useless and converted it to a spot welder check out the video down below.


We also put up a few more pin hole photos of which will be posted in a few weeks.

Wind-Down BBQ for Dublin Maker

After a hectic day of making and showing off at Dublin Maker, we like to relax with a burger in one hand and an umbrella in the other. So on Sunday 27th of July, we’re hosting a BBQ for makers to eat, chat and start planning next year’s projects.
It’ll kick off in TOG from 2pm, rain or shine. Print
If you’re a maker, bring your Dublin Maker badge with you and we’ll fill you with grub.
If you’re not a maker, but you want to rub shoulders with us, you’re welcome to join us (and make a small donation to the cost of the food). Just let us know by email or in the comments that you’re popping along.

Open Week – Dublin Maker


We are delighted to be a supporting organisation of the upcoming Dublin Maker.  Its the annual chance for all makers in Ireland to really showcase what they do best to the public. The tented festival space on the grounds of Trinity College Dublin, creates  unique  community feel to the whole thing.  TOG will be there with a host of new projects and we looking forward to meeting you all.

In TOG at the moment the space is a buzz with activity  in perpetration for the big day. We are opening our space for a whole week to give makers a chance to come down and use our space and resources to put the finishing touches to their projects. The public are welcome to drop down too and see all this madness.

The space will be open each night from Monday 21st – Friday 25th from 19.00 – 21.30

Brewday (12th July 10.30am)

Capital Brewers return to TOG this Saturday. Hearty brews are on the menu, in both brewing with guidance and instructions from the experts, and tasting craft beer made earlier!

A very rough time-line of a brew day is as follows:

  • 10:30am – 12pm: Heating water, water treatment and mashing grain
  • 12pm – 2pm: Boiling, BBQ, beer tasting from previous brews and visitors beers
  • 2pm – 4pm: Cooling and clean up

Every brew day is slightly different with a mix of brewers, recipes and techniques. This weekend we plan to brew an Irish Red Ale that is similar to O’Hara’s Red but with some improvements. We also won a mixed berry cider kit  from one of the brewing shops which we have decided to donate to TOG. We will brew the mixed berry kit and in a few weeks time bottle it using any empty beer bottles in the TOG kitchen. The cider batch should be ready for the August open social night but I will bring a large batch of red wine with me to the July open social for people to try if they want.

The long term goal would be to get a full set of brewing equipment that TOG members can use themselves at the space and make your own beer, cider or wine whenever you like! All you need are the ingredients.

Its always a fun and engaging day, the cost is free (donations are welcome) so come along, ask questions and even help with the brewing!

Capital brewers discussion is here, and pictures of our previous brewdays can be found here.

Photo Workshop Completed

Dub_CasWe completed TOG’s photo workshop today. Yesterday, just as everyone got film loaded, the rain threatened to spoil the day. It soon cleared and we all headed for Dublin Castle and environs. Despite a few minor calamities, everyone got a roll of B&W film exposed and developed. The workshop continued today with printing. Everyone got a contact print done and a chance to make some test exposures and prints.

Pics here…