Galileo Girls


We are teaming up with Intel, Coder Dojo Girls and Coder Dojo DCU to bring about a special event for the International Day of the Girl on October 11. A day long hackathon style to give an introduction to the Galileo board. The participants will learn basics of coding an embedded environment and get hand an experience with hardware. The second half of the day will focus on creating electronic fashion  wearable technology and funky robots.

For more information and booking visit the event page.

TOG at Repair Cafe

repair_smallTOG will be at Sandymount Repair Cafe this coming Saturday (27th) 2pm – 5pm  in Christchurch Hall, Sandymount.

A repair cafe is where people come together and fix all sorts of things. Experts work along side the object’s owner and take a journey together to repair things. The hope is next time you will be able to fix something yourself .

If you have something that is in need of repair and want to know how to do it, drop by on Saturday.

Culture Night…. Update

H6931-Culture-Night-LogoWe were mobbed with visitors on culture night 🙂 . If you made it in to see us, thanks for coming and hopefully you got to look around the space and to see some of our projects. Drop in again anytime we’re open. If you would like to look around again or you missed something, we can give you another tour. You don’t need to be a member to visit and there’s no charge.

You can join our mailing list…. click on the link down the left side. We’ll keep you informed of our activities. This Thursday (25th Sep) we have coding night. Our next brewday is coming up soon also. Check the events tab at the top of this page.


Culture night @ TOG

H6931-Culture-Night-LogoIf you’re at a loose end this Friday evening, drop by! TOG is participating in Culture Night.
The space will be open from 5pm till late on Friday 19th of September. We’ll be showcasing various projects that our members have been involved in, and will run some very short workshops to give you a taste of the sort of thing we get up to.

Our profile on the Culture Night website can be found here: