Engineers Week Roundup

Wow! What a week in TOG. For Engineers Week we ran nine events over seven days. Throughout the week we had sixty nine people attending talks and workshops covering radio , pcb’s, arduino , robots and soldering . It has been a great success for all involved, for many participants it was their first time visiting TOG, many found the talks and workshops a great avenue to furthering their interests. Visitors were encouraged by the ethos of the hackerspace and enjoyed the “hack to learn” aspect of the community.

Throughout the coming year TOG will be continuing to host a number of events to foster innovation in science, technology, modern culture and creative arts.

php for beginners

Sometimes you simply like to learn something from scratch. Here is your chance.

TOG proudly presents PHP for Beginners.

In 5 weeks we will cover the basics of PHP development. The classes are 2 and a half hours long. We’re keeping the class size small, with 6 participants. The course costs €30 for non-members and is free for TOG members. Participants must be at least 18 years old.

Sorry the class is fully booked. Would you like to get a note for the next class? Cool, send us a message via the form!

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Soldering Workshop

Workshop Description:

This hands on workshop will cover various aspects of soldering; from the basic techniques of soldering, to soldering electronic components to make simple circuits, right up to manual techniques to solder surface mount chips.

This workshop is split into levels so we can work with you to increase your skills. We are ready to work with both absolute beginners and those who would like to move onto more advanced surface mount soldering.


€15 General public

€12  Students/Unwaged.

€10  TOG members


Saturday 13th of February.

Workshop 1 : 10:30 to 14:00

Workshop 2 : 14:30 to 18:00


In TOG. See location page.

No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Workshop open to ALL. Limited to 8 participants per Workshop. Prepayment at time of booking is required for this workshop,  via paypal.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Soldering Workshop”

Arduino Workshop

Workshop Description:

The task is simple we will spend the day working with Arduino’s.

In the morning workshop we will run and a beginners Arduino programming class; showing you how to install and use the Arduino development environment, the features of the Arduino programming language and libraries, and showing how to use the Arduino and shields with some electronic devices.

In the afternoon workshop we will be bulk buying Freeduino kits and participants can spend the reset of the day soldering them up and getting familiar with the hardware.


Arduino Workshop :

€15 General public.

€12  Students/Unwaged.

€10  TOG members.

€25 Freeduino kit.


Sunday 14th of February.

Arduino Workshop : 10:30 to 14:00

Freeduino Building: 14:30 to 18:00


In TOG. See location page.

The morning workshop will be limited to 8 participants. The afternoon workshop will have a flexible limit for participants and is free, but requiring a Freeduino kit.No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Workshop open to ALL.  Prepayment at time of booking is required for this workshop  via paypal.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Arduino Workshop”

Sewing Workshops

Thinking of hooking up some shiny electroluminescent wire to your top for a night out? Interested in Lilypads or other wearable tech, but don’t know how to get started? Maybe you’d just like to be able to make a simple skirt, repair your jeans, or even just finally figure out how to thread that sewing machine?

Well, we’ve got what you need; basic sewing classes, like they don’t teach outside of school. There will be two workshops, the first on Sunday, 24th January, which will focus on basic hand sewing techniques. You’ll learn a bit about fabrics, choosing threads, basic stitches, and what they’re called. If you bring some damaged clothes we’ll have a look at how to go about mending them. And finally, if you’re interested, a little bit about clothing construction, and how the pieces go together (helps you figure out how to put them back together). The idea is just to get you used to the basics, and ultimately help you understand all those books and tutorials that treat it like assumed knowledge.

Group size will be very small, limited to a maximum of 6, so that everyone will get the help they need. The whole workshop will be very informal, it’s all about a hands-on approach, and having things make sense to you. And just so you know, I’m not an expert by any means. I learned to sew originally in Home Ec, have done a course in pattern construction, and every year make my own Hallowe’en costumes. So, I’ll be able to help get you started, after that it’s your determination and imagination that will keep you going.

Cost: There will be a fee of €10 for non-TOG-members. Feel free to bring your own kit if you have one, otherwise one can be provided (that you get to keep) for cost.
Materials: Pack of hand-sewing needles, needle threader, wheel of pins, thread, etc.
Provided: (Although it’s okay if you bring your own.) Scissors (that need to be returned, sorry but they’re quite expensive). Fabric. Bits and bobs. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, biscuits.

Date: Sunday, 24th January.
Time: Between 2pm and 6pm.
Place: TOG space. See:

If the time doesn’t suit, don’t worry, if people are interested another set can be arranged.

Participants and visitors must be at least 18 years of age. It’s first come, first serve. Attendance at the two workshops are independent, you don’t have to go to both. And there are only a couple of places left for the basic hand sewing workshop! So if you’d like to attend please use the form below.

Workshop is full now. But if you would still like to attend another workshop some time in future feel free to use the form below to register your interest. Thanks guys, and I look forward to seeing you all.

Continue reading “Sewing Workshops”