Open-Source Night – May

The next open-source night will take place on Wednesday, May 15th. This is a hands-on event, please bring a laptop!

6:30 – Doors open
7:00 – Talk: IRC 101, by Cheryl Harding
7:25 – Talk: How to contribute to OpenMandriva, by Guilherme Moro
7:50 – Lightning talks: A chance to introduce the open-source project you’ll be working on during the evening in 5 minutes or less
8:00 – Break into groups and get contributing!

Open-Source Night – April

The next open-source night will take place on Wednesday, April 24th.

6:45 – Doors open
7:00 – Talk: IRC 101, by Cheryl Harding — Postponed! Stay tuned.
7:00 – Talk: The Jerry Project, by Justine Hannequin
7:25 – Lightning talks: Introduce the open-source project you’re working on in less than 5 minutes, and get interested people to join you!
7:45 – Break into groups and contribute.

This is a hands-on event, please bring a laptop. Looking forward to seeing you there!

TOG homebrew beer session Sunday 14th April



A 3rd beer homebrewing session is coming to TOG, this Sunday 14th April!





Award-winning brewchamps will be giving attendees detailed instructions, tips ‘n’ tricks, and generally giving the benefit of their expertise.

Beginner, intermediate and experienced brewers attend the brewing session, leading to in-depth, interesting and informative discussions for all.


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We’ll start sometime between 10-11am and finish about 3-4pm; brewers tend to go round the corner to the Bull & Castle to socialise after.

Attendance is free and open to all (there may be a whip-around for donations to TOG tho).




If you want to come, why not sign up and say hello to Capital Brewers on their forum here:


Also follow them on twitter for the latest updates, brewdays, competitions, tasting sessions etc:




Looking forward to seeing you there!



Wireless Security Workshop (re-run)

IT Security


Date: Saturday 9th March 2013
Time: 1pm – 5pm
Venue: TOG
Places: 15
Cost: 15Euro | free or part payment for student/unwaged

All money goes to TOG.

Wireless networks are everywhere. They have been available to many of us for over 10 years, and the same mistakes of back then are still being made today. Majority of us have a wireless network in our house, and connect to it daily with our laptop, phone, games console, media player and now even televisions.

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