This intermediate workshop will focus on teaching people to build a basic multi-threaded server and learning to work with data in a multi-threaded environment. This will be a very hand-on workshop with an open discussion throughout on different server models, sockets & IO, throughput, threads and data-management. The focus of the workshop is get people to build their own server in Java before the end of the session with help and demonstration provided. The workshop will require proficiency in Java and a solid understanding of OO-concepts.
Pre-requisites: The workshop will require proficiency in Java and a solid understanding of OO-concepts. Attendees must also bring a laptop with JDK & Eclipse IDE (optional) set up and configured.
When: Thursday, September 19th. From 7pm till 10pm.
Cost: €8 for non-members, free for members.
Please sign up using the form below. This workshop is kindly taught by Nik. All proceeds go to support Tog (as usual).