Tech Week Talks

g3030We are proud to be taking part in the inaugural Tech Week, which hopes to encourage young people to enter technology professions. We will be holding a night of short talks. each speaker is limited to just fifteen minutes  to convey their idea, story or insight on a part of technology.   The event is free for anyone to come along, no need to book.

Date: Thursday 1st May

Time: 19.00

Location:  TOG

Cost: Free

Sign Up: None. Just turn up.

Details on the talks below.

Speaker – Rory McCann
Title –  Introduction to Open Source
Why do programmers give away their software for everyone to use for free? What is Open Source / Free Software? Where did it come from, and how does it work?
Links: http://www.technomancy.org

Speaker – Sinead McDonald
Title –  How to pretend you know stuff about stuff
I’m a visual artist, and a graduate of the Art in the Digital World Masters at NCAD. I like to make machines that make people think about things, like quantum mechanics or emotions or time travel or regrets or alternative realities or music or long-defunct Victorian crazyscience. I play with the blur between science and fiction, and I get a LOT of help and collaboration. I’ll be talking about a few past projects, the people who helped me and made me look good, and the stuff they taught me that helps me pretend I know stuff about stuff.
Links: www.sineadmcdonald.com


Speaker – Jamie O’Leary
Title –  Blender and the Creative Space
Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software product used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, interactive 3D applications and video games.  The talk will be on what blender can do for you as a hobbyist.


Speaker – Diarmaid McManus
Title –  Spammers hate him! How one weird trick can keep your accounts secure online
Social media accounts are valuable to scammers and spammers, who want to make a quick buck off your reputation. Here’s a few tips to help make your accounts harder to abuse.


Speaker – Aoife Crowley & Mary Plunkett
Title –  Made It
Dublin is a city that has been known for its creative and literary heritage. More recently the tech community has elevated Dublin into the new age, but for some, this is a closed circle. For other, they may have the skills, but lack the confidence to bring their ideas to life. You may know how to build an app or create a product, but do you know how to bring these things to market? With Made It, we want to foster a greater sense of community and engagement between the spheres of technology, creativity and entrepreneurship and see how the successful projects we see around us came into being.

Photographic group exhibition opens on the 25th April



Placed presents work from members of the TOG Dublin Hackerspace photography group. Led by visual artist Sinead McDonald, the course offers an opportunity for creative members of the public to engage with each other on a critical level over the course of 10 weeks, working through concepts and methodology, editing down images, post production, printing / framing / installation-based techniques etc, and culminating in a city centre gallery exhibition.

Placed will open on Friday 25th of April, 7-9pm at Hendrons Collider (see map), and will run Sat 26th and Sun 27th 12-6pm

Featuring work from the TOG photography concept to exhibition group:

Gary Cooke, Jane Friel, Olga Klimovich, Sinead McDonald, Tracy O’Brien, Eadaoin Ryan and JJ Worrall.

Google Map to the Gallery:

Gallery Website:

Open Street Map Hack Day

TOG is hosting an OpenStreetMap hack day/meet up/barcamp! OSM members will meet up in Dublin and do open street mappy stuff on laptops in TOG. Like an indoor mapping party / hack day / social meet up / barcamp.

What is OpenStreetMap?

OpenStreetMap is a world wide, open content map. It’s Wikipedia meets Google Maps.

If you’d like to learn more about OpenStreetMap, come along! Want to start mapping your local area, and want help? Come along! Want to find out how to use the low level OpenStreetMap data? Come along! This event is open to all, TOG members, non-TOG-members, general public, hardcore OSM mappers, and OSM newbies.

If you’re an OSM mapper and would like come, but not sure what to do, don’t worry we have loads of townlands to map. 🙂


The event is scheduled to run from 12noon until about 6pm on Saturday 8th March 2014. However there is not a fixed schedule so feel free to drop in or out whenever you want.

There is no charge. The event is open to TOG members and memebers of the general public. Rory is the point of contact for the event. We’ll probably go for some beers or something that evening. You aren’t required to bring anything, but that will limit what you can do. I’d suggest bringing a laptop or something. TOG has free wifi.

TOG & OpenStreetMap

TOG has hosted a mapping party and held talks about OSM. TOG itself has been mapped on OSM for years, and when we moved to new premesis, the location was updated. 🙂

Engineers Week: An evening of inspiring ideas


Join us for another Evening of Inspiring Ideas as part of Engineers Week.  From 7pm in TOG, we will have six speakers doing their best to inspire you about engineering with short talks.  The event is free for anyone to come along, no need to book.

Date: Wednesday  12th February

Time: 19.00

Location:  TOG

Cost: Free

Sign Up: None. Just turn up.

Details on the talks below.
Continue reading “Engineers Week: An evening of inspiring ideas”

PHP + MySQL intensive weekend-class

Hey there eager programmers!

Interested in learning a new programming language or in freshening up your rusty skills? Here is your chance! A whole weekend of PHP and MySQL fun is awaiting you.

When is all the coding happening, you ask?

Friday, 14th of Feb – 7.30pm till 10pm
Saturday, 15th of Feb – 1.30pm till 7pm
Sunday, 16th of Feb – 1.30pm till 7pm

3 days, 10 hours (excl. breaks)

Continue reading “PHP + MySQL intensive weekend-class”

Workshop: Moar LilyPad (Sensors and Actuators edition)

Protosnap LilyPad Arduino Board
Protosnap LilyPad Arduino Board

This is the second part of the LilyPad workshops. This one focuses on mastering more involed actuators, and learning to get data from the many sensor components. Basically, you’ll be able to get your project to respond to the world around it. Imho, this is what makes e-textiles and wearables so exciting.

This second workshop is for people who have used the LilyPad or Arduino before. At least to blink an LED or two. Focusing on input we’ll look at using light sensor, temperature sensor, and accelerometer. And if we’ve time on output using the vibration motor and buzzer board.
We’ll also take a quick look at multiplexing, both input and output, and making your own interfaces to connect regular electrical components to your LilyPad circuit.
The only thing you’ll need to bring with you is a laptop with USB port, everything else is provided. (If you want to bring your own LilyPad components that’s great, just let us know when you’re booking and we’ll make sure you have everything you’ll need.)

Important: please bring your own laptop with USB port. Closer to the event you will receive instructions on how to install the programming environment.

Optional materials; Any LilyPad board (preferably the Protosnap), with sensors (e.g. light, temperature, accelerometer) and actuators (e.g. vibration motor, buzzer board).
If you want to play with the LilyPad before buying, Protosnap boards can be provided for the duration of the workshop, but you’ll probably have to work in groups of at least two people.

When: Thursday, February 13th. From 7pm until 10pm.

Where: TOG.

Cost: €10 for non-members, €5 for members. (All proceeds go to support TOG.)
Please register for this workshop through the contact form below the cut.
If you’ve missed your chance to sign up for the workshop, please keep an eye out for a rerun in the next few months.