Science Hack Day Badges


We love rockets around here, so when it came to creating this years Science Hack Day badge, we decided a new design was in order. We created a new rocket shape design for science champions to wear . A video of the process is below. If you would like badges created for a community event do get in touch with us

Tickets are still available for the upcoming Science Hack Day Dublin on the 14th / 15th of November.

Exploring the Spectrum of Light Workshops

We are pleased to be teaming up with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council to bring a series of workshop all about light being the International Year of Light.

Light Sculpture Workshop
Saturday 31 October, 11am-12pm
Age 7-9 years
Lexicon Library
This workshop will take you through building a simple light sculpture kit using electro-luminescent wire. Designed for younger children, and just in time for Halloween fun and spookiness.
Invisible Light and the Secret World
Saturday 31 October, 2.30-4pm
Age 10-12 years
Lexicon Library
Assemble your own special ‘invisible light’ torch. Then using this so called Black Light, leave secret, ghostly messages in invisible ink, and explore the world of UV
fluorescent materials.

Both of these workshops are free but pre-booking is required. For booking please email

These events are part of the wider show. over & over + over and over . For more information see the program leaflet.


Lighthouses at Coder Girl Hack Day

20151010_150637On Saturday 10th of October, DCU Innovation campus was over run with girls who wanted to code. Coder Girl Hack Day was an event run by Coding Grace, Girls Hack Ireland, Coder Dojo Girls and TOG. There was over a hundred girls all learning different coding skills. Here in TOG we looked after the imaginative engineering track.

We the help and support of Intel Ireland, we decided to run a track to showcase making is not just about electronics. As its the International Year of Light, we felt making lighthouses would be very appropriate.

The base model of the lighthouse was designed by Alex Titone and is available on thingiverse. You can check our video below of us laser cutting the models on our Lasersaur.  Check out our gallery to see all the lighthouses the kids made and if you would like to make your own, a parts list is below.




Check out some of the press we got about the event. 

Galileo powered Lighthouses at Coder Girl Hack Day

Coder girls get creative at Girls Hack Ireland Event

Increasing opportunities for girls to pursue STEM

Intel Photo Set

Continue reading “Lighthouses at Coder Girl Hack Day”

Coder Girl Hack Day

IDGC_2015-195x250 We joined with CoderDojoGirls, Girls Hack Ireland, Intel Ireland and Coding Grace for an artsy themed coding hackathon to celebrate International Day Of the Girl and EU Code Week.

This is a one day event focusing on programming music, developing game apps and learning about hardware. The event is broken up into a number of tracks giving you the chance to pick someone that suits everyone.  If you’ve never coded before this is the right place to start! If you’ve coded before, betcha you’ve not programmed music using Sonic Pi or made a story-telling game with Fungus Games & Unity3D. It you like making physical objects you can pick the imaginative engineering.

In TOG, we have teamed up with Intel to run the imaginative engineering track. We will be focusing on making Hardware Hacks. We will be soldering up electronics, programming Galileos and making laser cut projects. No previous skills are necessary for this track.


Date: Saturday, 10 October 2015 from 10:00 to 16:00 (IST)

Location: DCU Innovation CampusOld Finglas Road, Glasnevin Dublin 11

Tickets: Below:ibf2lmufEkwHIx

Continue reading “Coder Girl Hack Day”

Science Hack Day Dublin 2015

Science HacScience Hack Day Dublink Day Dublin is a 36 hour hardware and software hackathon. A social event with creativity and love of science at its heart.  Each year it brings together coders, designers, scientists, engineers and makers simply to make interesting things. Why? For adventure, for playfulness, for science! The event takes place in UCD on the 14th & 15th November.

Here in TOG, we are proud to be supporting Science Hack Day again. Since it inception we have always found it to be the best community hackathon around.  It’s rare these days for big events to keep their community feel. Now entering its 4th year, and with an FAQ that just gets better each year, you have no reason not to go . The ideas for this years event have already started to pile in. They include lasers, can we say more ? pew pew. For tickets see eventbrite.





OSM MapJam Saturday 12th Sept

OpenStreetMap (OSM) Ireland members will meet next Sat 12th in Dublin and do OSM mappy stuff on laptops in TOG. Like an indoor mapping party / hack day / social meet up / barcamp.
What is OpenStreetMap?
OpenStreetMap is a world wide, open content map. It’s often referred to as the Wikipedia of maps in reference to the fact that it is open to be edited by anyone.
If you’d like to learn more about OpenStreetMap, come along! Want to start mapping your local area, and want help? Come along! Want to find out how to use the low level OpenStreetMap data? Come along! This event is open to all.
If you’re already an OSM mapper and would like come, but not sure what to do, don’t worry we have loads of townlands to map and plenty of people who will give you a hand learning the details.
Where and When?
Tog Dublin Hackerspace
Saturday 12th Sept 12-6pm