We joined with CoderDojoGirls, Girls Hack Ireland, Intel Ireland and Coding Grace for an artsy themed coding hackathon to celebrate International Day Of the Girl and EU Code Week.
This is a one day event focusing on programming music, developing game apps and learning about hardware. The event is broken up into a number of tracks giving you the chance to pick someone that suits everyone. If you’ve never coded before this is the right place to start! If you’ve coded before, betcha you’ve not programmed music using Sonic Pi or made a story-telling game with Fungus Games & Unity3D. It you like making physical objects you can pick the imaginative engineering.
In TOG, we have teamed up with Intel to run the imaginative engineering track. We will be focusing on making Hardware Hacks. We will be soldering up electronics, programming Galileos and making laser cut projects. No previous skills are necessary for this track.
Date: Saturday, 10 October 2015 from 10:00 to 16:00 (IST)
Location: DCU Innovation Campus, Old Finglas Road, Glasnevin Dublin 11
Tickets: Below:
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