Games Night Event at TOG

games-9Don’t forget this Friday Tog will be hosting a series of short talks about games.

This will be followed by a night of gaming (we will have Board Games, Mame & Xbox consoles, you can bring your laptop and/or any other games). There will be spot prices and competitions run throughout the night.



We hope to SEE you ALL @ TOG on Friday the 30th of September, 6.30pm arrival for 7pm kick-off!

Coder Girl Hack Day

Coder Girl Hack Day is a one day tech event focusing on creative wearables, maker magic and web development. It a celebrate of International Day of the Girl and EU Code Week. It brings together the community for an inclusive family event featuring learning sessions for girls & parents. This year, the event will be held on October 15th in Dog Patch Labs, CHQ. The event takes the form of a number of tracks to give participators different flavors of creative endeavors.
Tog is teaming up with Intel Ireland to add the maker element to the day. Last year, we had the girls create light houses, this year continuing on the light theme we will be making shadow boxes. These boxes can be used to make cool lighting displays or shadow puppets shows.
This is made possible by an eclectic mix of community groups and industry supporters. Here in Tog , we are proud to be one of them. Tickets Below.

September Open Social

teapotOn Saturday 17th September we will be holding our regular Open Social evening. If you’ve never been to our Social, you’ll find it a great alternative Saturday evening in town. Look around….talk to members and visitors about projects or things you’d like to do. Talk about beer brewing to some of our brewer members or about locks to our lock pickers. Have a look at our laser cutter and our motorbike that we’re restoring. Ask about joining as a full member.

Hopefully there’ll be, caint, ceol agus craic as usual. The space stays open until the last member is left……usually the small hours of Sunday morning. The evening is free to attend for members and visitors alike. No booking is required…. just turn up. You can drop in for 10 minutes, or stay the whole night. We have parking available. Bring beer, food, gadgets! Our doors will be open from 7pm. Hope to see you there.


Electric Picnic 2016


Electric Picnic marks the end of the Irish summer. Some say its too late and summer is already over by the time it happens due to the amount of rain that typically lands on the festival. We were invited by the Science Gallery to run two different workshops over the course of the festival.  We ran a locking picking session and a field test of the conductivity of liquids.

Over the two days festival goers were entertain by being handcuffed to each other and left to pick their way out  and with the kids being amazed to find out distilled water does not conduct electricity. Check out our gallery for the full photo set.



Games Night Event at TOG


Tog will be hosting a series of short talks about games. Topics will include:

  • Introduction to game design
  • Process of game creation
  • Building interactive games
  • Coding games (tutorials)
  • New games on the market, hot Kickstarters
  • Use of games in education

This will be followed by a night of gaming (we will have Board Games, Mame & Xbox consoles, bring your laptop if you wish). There will be couple free to enter competitions run throughout the night.

Talks will start at 7pm on Friday 30th of September. Please arrive at 6.30pm.


Any speakers who are interested in giving a talk please contact us at or speak to Izzy or Diarmaid in the space.

Each speaker will have 5 to 15 minutes available, although when necessary longer time slots can be assigned.

We hope to SEE you ALL @ TOG on Friday the 30th of September, 6.30pm arrival for 7pm kick-off!

EMF Camp 2016

A bunch of us headed to an event last weekend called Electromagnetic Field in the UK. EMF is a 3 day camping festival held every two years with over a thousand people attending. The weekend is filled with talks, workshops and lots of crazy art installations.  We teamed up with other hackers from Ireland to form our own little village to have a place to call home for the weekend.  Our members kept themselves busy over the weekend by adding to the lineup with their own talks and workshops check out below.


Receiving live video from the Space station – Daniel Cussen



Bridge Building Competition – Jeffrey Roe & Christian Kortenhorst 

EMF had a full program of events to keep all the kids entertained. We ran our bridge building competition with the young hackers of EMF. Congratulations to the hope bridge on their win.




Skull Radio Workshop – Jeffrey Roe

In the hack center, Jeffrey ran his popular bone conduction kit soldering workshop.



Check out the rest of the things we got up to in our photo gallery or what we did with the cool EMF badge.