Electronic Breadboard Workshop

During our regular Electronics, Microcontroller and IOT Evening, which takes place every 2 weeks on Monday evenings, we will be running an Electronic Breadboard workshop. This is a paid workshop and the cost of this workshop is 25 Euro.

During the workshop, you’ll get about 1.5 hours instruction, plus a kit of parts including the breadboard itself, components and a small digital multimeter. You get to keep the kit including the breadboard and multimeter. You can then use the kit as a starting point for further experimentation and prototyping.

All proceeds from the workshop go to support TOG. The workshop will take about 1.5 hours and will start about 19:30. There will be a maximum of 4 places available. You can pay in cash on the night. Try to have change!  We are not taking reservations for this workshop…..just turn up on the night. The first 4 people to arrive get a place (maximum 4 places). If you miss out on a place this Monday, you are welcome to stay the evening for our regular Electronics, Microcontroller and IOT Evening, which is free.

A breadboard is a way of building and testing circuits quickly, without having to solder. You can move the components around, make additions, take the circuit apart and re-use the components. This workshop is suitable for beginners. This isn’t an electronics theory class as such, but rather a class about how to use a breadboard, how to start prototyping and how to turn a circuit diagram into a breadboard circuit. We have picked 4 circuits to build from very simple to circuits using IC’s. You don’t have to have any particular electronic skills or experience, but you should probably have some interest or curiosity about electronics and want some help to get started.


It’s almost T-0

It’s almost time up. DublinMaker is upon us. The lights might be burning late in Blackpitts tonight, as our members finish the last of our projects and props. No matter how late we stay up tonight however, we’ll be in Merrion Square tomorrow, so be sure to drop by our stand.

Dublin Maker 2017

As the website says…. See you 22nd July. No Tickets. Just come. Merrion Square. It is a rectangle, but don’t let that worry you……. Yes it’s Dublin Maker again and TOG will be there. It’s not long to go now. Less than a month. We’re  busy panicking about what to bring and will it be ready on time. Be sure to drop by our stand.


From the Dublin Maker website…. “Dublin Maker is a free to attend, community run event, which will be held on Saturday July 22nd, 2017 in Merrion Square, Dublin. Dublin Maker takes the form of a “show and tell” experience where inventors/makers sourced through an open call, will have an opportunity to showcase their creations at individual booths in a carnival atmosphere. It is a family friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the maker movement. It’s a place where people show what they are making and share what they are learning. Makers range from tech enthusiasts to crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, artists, science clubs, students, authors and commercial exhibitors. They are of all ages and backgrounds, coming from all over Ireland and beyond. Dublin Maker’s mission is to entertain, inform and connect the makers of Ireland, while inspiring the next generation of Ireland’s makers and inventors.”

TOG @ Coolest Projects

TOG will be at CoderDojo Coolest Projects Showcase 2017 this coming Saturday 17th June in the RDS. We’ll be showcasing some of our own projects and running some workshops on Bridge Building, Soldering and Lock Picking. We will be in the main hall – central area.

From the Coolest Projects website….. “Come to the RDS, Dublin on Saturday 17th June 2017 to see the coolest projects from CoderDojo kids, aged 7 – 17, around the world showcasing their vision and creativity using technology to make the world a better place. Tickets for the CoderDojo Coolest Projects Showcase are now available at http://tickets.coolestprojects.org/ CoderDojo Coolest Projects is a great day of tech exploration and fun for the whole family.”

Next Two Weeks at TOG

Hi everyone, we’ve an exciting few weeks coming up at Tog. We have our regular scheduled nights as well as some events on both Saturdays.

Monday May 15 – Coding Group Night from 19:00
Tuesday May 16 – Lockpicking Group Night from 19:30
Wednesday May 17 – Crafts Night from 19:00
Saturday May 20 – Build your own line following robot at our event from 15:00, and then hang around for our Open Social from 19:00
Monday May 22 – Electronics/Microcontroller night is on from 19:00, as is our CAD & 3D Modelling night also from 19:00
Saturday May 27 – Brewday in Tog from 10:00 with Capital Brewers.

We hope to see you at our events.

Electronic “Build-It” Workshop

Back by popular demand, it’s our electronic “Build-It” workshop in TOG on Saturday 20th May from 15:00 – 18:00. Many visitors to TOG tell us that they would like to get started with electronics, soldering or assembly, but they are unsure how to do so. This workshop will help. You get to build (and keep) an electronic kit. The kit that we have chosen is a line-follower robot car. It will follow a black line or any line where there is reasonable contrast. You can see a video of the kit in action, from our previous workshop here.


The kit comes as a complete set of mechanical and electronic parts including a bare circuit board. You do all the electronic assembly and soldering as well as the mechanical assembly. If you’ve never built an electronics kit or soldered before, then this workshop is ideal for you. We’ll show you everything that you need to know. No previous experience at electronics, soldering or kit assembly is needed. We’ll explain the circuit and how it works too. All tools and equipment are provided. The workshop will take up to 3 hours, which is plenty of time. All proceeds from this event go to support TOG.


You might like to stick around afterwards for our regular Open Social evening which is happening on the same day.




*** You must be 18 or older to take part in this workshop. Please do not book places for children ***