Bridge Building Competition

Engineers Week is almost here. A week long celebrate engineering
across Ireland with events for everyone.  Here in Tog will are no strangers to putting on an event or two for
Engineers Week. We are happy to announce the return of our Bridge Building Competition on Saturday 4th of March.

This is a family-friendly competition that puts teams against one another to build the strongest bridge. Armed with just lollipop sticks
and glue, teams must use their engineering skills to complete the challenge.

Engineering theory and building materials will be provided to help you during construction.A secret prize will be up for grabs for the winners. The competition will have a half an hour of short talks, an hour and a half  of building followed by half an hour of testing. 

Participation’s under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian.

This event is in collaboration with Young Engineers Society and made possible with support from Engineers Ireland.


We are at 33c3


Some of us have travel across the seas to visit the 33rd annual Chaos Communication Congress (33C3). It’s a four days of total hacker fun. Filled with talks, workshops and many a good time.

If you are at Congress be sure to drop by the Irish Embassy and Tog Assembly. If you can’t make it along in person you can watch it all live streamed over the internet. ->

Check out the sign Tdr made for the occasion. 3 sheets of 3mm plywood glued together. For photos of the build check out our gallery.


Projection Mapping with the Raspberry Pi Workshop

unnamedAn introductory workshop where one could learn the possibilities and try out projection mapping with the Raspberry Pi. A full stack setup cycle demo will be presented. The following will be covered in a run-through manner.

  • Burning an SD card
  • Booting up and using ofxPiMapper
  • Using openFrameworks on the Pi
  • Creating custom generative source

The Raspberry Pi mini-computer is the perfect choice when one has to create a permanent projection mapping installation. OpenFrameworks makes it possible to create almost any kind of generative, data-driven or interactive applications that run on the Raspberry Pi and with the help of the ofxPiMapper it is also possible to projection map them.

Projection mapping is the art of texturing real-life objects by using a digital projector and specialised computer software.
Krisjanis Rijnieks ( works with creative coding, projection mapping and digital fabrication. He is developing the ofxPiMapper projection mapping addon for the openFrameworks creative coding toolkit, and using it in his own projects. He holds an MA in art and design from the Media Lab Helsinki and is the author of the book Cinder–Begin Creative Coding.

The workshop is a part of the Creative Museum project and in collaboration with the Chester Beatty Library.

Hardware Required

  • Raspberry Pi
  • SD Card for Raspberry Pi
  • Associated Cables


November Open Social….with a twist!

mind-webBy now, you’ll probably know that we hold a regular Open Social evening on a Saturday in the middle of each month. November will be no different. We’ll be doing it on Saturday 19th November. This month however, there’ll be a bit of a twist!

We’ll also be hosting Science Hackday Dublin that weekend, so the space will be very busy. You’ll get to see up to 100 makers, up to all sorts of making antics, just for the pure hell of it!

If you’ve never been to our Social, you’ll find it a great alternative Saturday evening in town. Come in and look around. If you’ve never been in before, we’ll give you the grand tour of the space. Talk to members and visitors about projects or things you’d like to do. Ask about our regular craft evening, which has just restarted. See what the Science Hackday participants are up to. If you like what you see, ask about joining as a full member. Either way, we’re always interested to know what has drawn you to our door.

Hopefully there’ll be, caint, ceol agus craic as usual. The space stays open until the last member is left……usually the small hours of Sunday morning. The evening is free to attend for members and visitors alike. No need to book…. just turn up. You can drop in for 10 minutes, or stay the whole night. We have parking available. Bring beer, food, gadgets! Our doors are open from 7PM. Hope to see you there.

Visit the Science Hack Day website too, for more information about the event.

Science Hackday Dublin 2016

Science HacScience Hack Day Dublink Day Dublin is a 36 hour hardware and software hackathon. A social event with creativity and love of science at its heart.  Each year it brings together coders, designers, scientists, engineers and makers simply to make interesting things. Why? For adventure, for playfulness, for science!  The event takes place on the 19th & 20th November.

This year we are super proud to be hosting the event in our own space. We have been helping out since the very first Science Hack Day many years ago. We are excited to offer a big range of tools and experience to all the participants. Now entering its 5th year, its the best community hackathon around.

Visit the Science Hack Day website for tickets.

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