Coolest Projects 2018

Coolest Projects offers young people from the international CoderDojo, Code Club, Raspberry Jam and wider Raspberry Pi community the opportunity to present the projects they have created at their local club. The event is both a competition and an exhibition to inspire and enable innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and technology skills in young coders aged up to 18.

Tog will be showcasing at Coolest Prjects again this year. We will have soldering classes, Lockpicking demos and a host of projects on display. The event runs from 10am – 6pm on Saturday 26th of May in RDS Simmonscourt. This family and educator friendly event is free for all young people under 18 to attend. More tickets visit ->


Hackaday & Tindie Bring-a-Hack Meetup


We are excited to host Hackaday & Tindie Bring-a-Hack Meetup on Friday 6th of April from 7pm . Our doors will be open for people to drop by and show off a hack or a make. There will be snacks and beverage courtesy of the  Hackaday & Tindie team. 

The event is free but ticketed.  Sign up here

If you want to turn your whole weekend into hanging around with hacker and makers, you might like the Hackaday Dublin Unconference on Saturday 7th. You can find out more about it here



Dublin Crypto Talks – Blockchain & Cryptocurrency for Beginners (workshop)

We are hosting the Dublin Crypto Talks meetup for a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency for Beginners workshop. The meetup’s mission is to accelerate the advent and adoption of Blockchain technologies. The workshop will cover How Bitcoin and Blockchain works, How to securely store cryptocurrencies and Setting up a wallet, send-receive coins, backup wallet.

Date & Time of the event: 26th 6pm -10pm
Duration of event: 4 Hours

To sign up for the event visit their meetup page.

The Big Day Out

This St Patrick’s Day weekend will see Merrion Square turned into a street carnival aka The Big Day Out. There are lots of things from street theatre, music, aerial performances, workshops, art installations, Irish Language activities, Science Zone and of course a festival Céilí.

We will be taking our place in the SFI Science Zone. A area of the festival dedicated to all things science. There will be live shows, demos from mgen Biotech, APC Micro biome Institute, National Aquarium, Physics Busking, and ourselves. 

We will have a range of demos, projects and a new custom LED sign for the weekend that is in it. 

The event takes place this Sunday 18 of March from noon. till 6pm

See Big Day Out full Schedule here.


C Coding Workshop

Beginners’ Coding Workshop in C.
Wednesday 4th April: Beginners’ Coding Workshop in C 19h00 to 22h00

What will be covered?
C – Programming Language (C11 Standard)
Git – Version Control System with Github

What tools will be needed?
Your fully charged laptop with/without the following installed:

GCC Compiler / G++ Compiler
GDB Debugger
Cmake – Build System Tool
Git – Version Control System (and optionally a Github account)
Konversation – IRC Client ( – ##c channel)

Atom – Source code editor
Atom packages – “gcc-make-run” and “language-cmake”

Museums and Makers Inspiring Each Other

On Tuesday 6th March 6 – 8pm, we are teaming with the Chester Beatty Library, to put on a night that gives makers and museums people a chance to learn from each other. The night in the library, will be filled with a mix of makers from the local community and people from the arts, sciences and cultural sectors. We will be looking at how museums can provide inspiration for creativity and finding ways local maker communities can be embed in the museum’s public programmes. 

For Booking visit -> here

This event is facilitated by Don Undeen of BoomHiFive, Georgetown University Maker Hub, and Jenny Siung, Head of Education, Chester Beatty Library, and our own Jeffrey Roe. This event is part of the Making Museum project, an 18-month EU-funded training initiative (Erasmus+ 20172019) exploring how museum staff can up-skill in creativity, innovation, creative collaborations with local maker communities, and embed these ideas in their public programmes for audiences.