Joined The Community Resources Network Ireland

We have joined the Community Resources Network Ireland. We hope to learn from our fellow members and share our knowledge of community repair cafés.

CRNI is the representative body for community based reuse, repair and recycling organisations in Ireland. Our vision is an Ireland where the word ‘Waste’ doesn’t exist and where our entire community benefits from the social, environmental and economic value of all reusable resources. Our aim is to provide a range of practical supports to our members, and to promote community based, sustainable waste management as a practical and effective way of tackling Ireland’s growing waste problem.

STEM for Sustainable Future (ESF)

It was great to welcome a group from Croatia on a site visit to the space last week. The project is called STEM for Sustainable Future (ESF). An exchange of ideas and practises in both directions. Always fun to talk about our space’s approach to informal education.

Plus it’s always fun to hang out with our friends Radiona / Zagreb Makerspace. We even got the crew from Irish Makers Podcast to turn up. Filming a special episode on making in Croatia with Deborah HusticGoran Mahovlić & Jeffrey Roe making great contributions with host Nathan Wheeler & Vicky Twomey-Lee on 🎥

Balbriggan Mini Maker Day

The Our Balbriggan Loves Learning festival will take place from April 19-30 and will explore a range of learning and upskilling opportunities. As part of the festival, there will be a Balbriggan Mini Maker Day on Saturday 23rd from 10 am till 5 pm in Balbriggan Library, Saint George’s Square, Balbriggan, CO. Dublin. K32 TW27.

The day is open to visitors both young and old for a day of family-friendly workshops and maker showcases. On the day there will be a mix of workshops suitable for all ages, from coding and game crafting to lego making and LED art.

There will be an abundance of activities for small kids and big kids too. An exciting show and tell area where Makers will showcase their crafts and you’ll discover the art of making.

Tog will be on hand to showcase what our makers get up to including homemade satellite receives, IOT air quality sensors and metalwork. Drop by our stand and say hello.

For more information about the event please visit.

Update Check out our photos from the day.

Lockpicking Night at Tog

We host a Lockpicking night every two weeks on a Thursday evening from 7 pm in our space. Join us as we teach the various methods of picking and bypassing common locks in Ireland.

We have all the all equipment and tools to get you started on the night. The intent for the night is to have all lock enthusiasts together to pick locks, show new tools, techniques and make lockpicking more social. Only so much can be done stuck in the workshop, office, or sitting on the couch. Feel free to come along for even just an hour.

Check out our meetup page to know which Thursday it’s on.

Holiday Hack Challenge Redo (part 2)

Hello Everyone, we are about to join in ranks to battle the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge tasks again, today on dedicated Discord server. Please use the Meetup page for more details, ongoing announcements.

This post will summaries last Meetup progress and provides clues for further steps.

Let’s start we the recap. We started with:

Followed shortly by:

On the 23rd of January Meetup we have completed following tasks:

  • Objective 1 – Uncover Santa’s Gift List – clues in blog post video above
  • Objective 2a – Kringle Kiosk – clues in blog post video above
  • Objective 2b – S3 bucket – clues give at a Discord were: update the wordlist and add the searched bucket name, use ‘cat’ command to inspect the bucket. Copy and inspect in CyberChef the file. Start unpacking and remember to pipe the output whenever needed.
  • Objective 3a – Linux Primer – no clues were needed 🙂
  • Objective 3b – Point-of-Sale Password Recovery – clues give at a Discord were: download the package, no need to install the shop. Unpack the exe file, and poke around until you find app.asar and use 7zip to open Asar file.

Later today, 5-7pm GMT we will be focusing on following tasks:

  • all unfinished past tasks
  • Objective 4a – Unescape Tmux – no help needed
  • Objective 4b – Santavator operations – no help needed
  • Objective 5a – Speaker UNPrep – first clue: ‘strings door’ with some filters, more clues @Discord
  • Objective 5b – 5b: 33 Gkbps – no help needed
  • Objective 5c – Open the HID lock in the Workshop – no help needed
  • Objective 6a – Regex Toy Sorting – we will battle it together @Discord
  • Objective 6b – Splunk Challenge – clue: look for Bro.

See you later at Discord.