TOG will host a night of inspiring talks. Each speaker will only have 15 minutes to convey to you their passion and enthusiasm on a given subject, idea or project. With six talks on the night you will be introduced to a diverse range of subjects.
The Irish Linux User Group (ILUG) will have their AGM in TOG on Sunday 24th from 3pm. The format of the event will be a number of interesting talks followed by a short AGM. The event is open to anyone and free. And for those who are new to or completely inexperienced in Linux: Be not afraid! The event is open to all.
Ever wonder what goes into making a computer game? Well, we have a night of talks to suit you! Computer Games Development Night will feature a variety of talks from professionals in the computer games industry, covering topics like development processes and behing-the-scenes tools that make your games enjoyable.
And for some variety we’ll have a few short talks about projects people are working on, a sort of show-and-tell.
Date: Thursday, 10th of January
Time: Open from 18.30, Talks begin 19.15
Location: TOG
Join us for a night of inspiring talks. Each speaker will only have 15 minutes to convey to you their passion and enthusiasm on a given subject. With seven talks on the night you will introduced to a diverse range of subjects.
Irish Hackerspace Week 2012
This year Irish Hackerspaces Week falls between September 15th – 23rd. This gives hackerspaces around Ireland a chance to expand their reach in to the local community.
TOG has already started to get events ready for this week. Sept 15th and 16th is the Synchronous Hackathon weekend which is a great weekend to get people aware of that can happen in a hackerspace. Our usual Open Social is on the 15th to kick off the whole weekend. We also have a yearly quiz on the last weekend ( Saturday 22nd ), and get all the hackerspaces together via audio/video link with questions dished out by our very own TOG Quiz Master.
Apart from those weekend activities, during the week we are planning electronics and craft activities, a night of short talks on various topics and a Gastro Night, discussing food science and beer brewing 🙂
As the calendar for this week comes together we will be posting a schedule for all to see.
This Saturday (June 16th) from 6.30pm we are honoured to be hosting a talk by Dr Muireann Quigley on biomaterials, biotechnology, perceived ownership of the human body and the changing role of the body. Dr Quigley is a lecturer in Bioethics at the University of Manchester, and has published papers on this topic, including “Property in the body: Separating persons and things.”
This talk is just the latest in a series of talks from the Dublin Skeptics in the Pub (SITP) group. You can find out more about them through their twitter and their website. More details on this talk are available via their facebook or googleplus.
The talk is free, and there’s no need to register beforehand. But with such an interesting topic you won’t want to arrive late!
18:30, Saturday June 16th, in tog (details on finding us here).