Duck Resistance is Futile












I decided to paint a row of ducks. It’s a work of art in progress. It has a definite meaning. The order of the colours should be a clue. Anyone like to guess what it is?




Line Following Robots


We recently ran a Electronic “Build-It” Workshop. We have twelve build a line following robot. The little robot was an all analog device,  not an arduino insight. Check out the photos from the workshop in our gallery and the video below of them inaction.

Join our mailing list to keep upto date with our workshops over the summer.


Featured on Hackaday : Taming A Variac With A Thermistor

We are delighted to have one of our member’s projects featured on Hackaday,




The folks at TOG, Dublin Hackerspace, have a large variac. A variac is a useful device for testing some fault conditions with AC mains powered equipment, it allows an operator to dial in any AC output voltage between zero, and in the case of TOG’s variac, 250V.

Their problem was with such a magnificent device capable of handling nearly 3KW, it presented an inductive load with a huge inrush current at power-on that would always take out the circuit breakers. Breakers come with different surge current handling capabilities, evidently their building is fitted with the domestic rather than the industrial variants.


Read the full story over on their website.

This is not the first time we have been featured, the Twitter Knitter got the Hackaday treatment too.

Project – Green Screen in Tog

There is now a green screen on the wall in the back. Please feel free to use it.











It’s basically some sheets of plastic, painted with matt green paint that was lying around in the space. It has been tested with a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 camera and iPhoto and it blends seamlessly. No shadows or marks blended into the final product.

To get the best results use a good quality digital camera that doesn’t bleed colours. Using an old JVC DV tape camera from 2004 which bled around the edges  left a halo in the final product. A still camera with movie facility with automatic exposure settings  totally messed up the green screen effect.






Fixing the Variac


Actually there was nothing wrong with it. It didn’t really need “fixing”. A variac is a kind of variable AC transformer. They are very useful for testing AC loads because they can give a variable output voltage usually from 0 up to some value. This particular one can output from 0 to 250V and supply about 12A of current.

It is rated at 3kVA which is quite a bit. A big horse of a transformer like this has a big inrush current when it is plugged in. The surge is so great, that it was tripping the circuit breaker on our distribution board. The breakers on TOG’s board have C-curve trip characteristic, so they’re really not suited to this kind of load.

So something had to be done to limit the inrush current. We thought about a power resistor and a shorting relay, but in the end opted to try an NTC type surge limiter. This is a type of resistor where the resistance falls with temperature. At room temperature the resistance measured was about 12 ohms. The resistance falls rapidly as the temperature rises. Even so, the thing gets hot at heavy load. We used the 2kw heatgun as a heavy test load. We mounted the limiter high up inside the enclosure, in free air. Plenty of insulation and some cable ties to secure it. Tested it and no tripping now. A bit more testing is required however. particularly at higher currents. Need to do some I²R calculations and temperature measurements. Pics here.

Washing Machine = Patio Heater

heaterTake the TOG test by selecting the correct answer.

Q: Your washing machine dies and you get a new one. What do you do with the old one?

1. When your new one is delivered, let the delivery crew take the old one away.
2. Take the old one to your local WEEE recycling centre.
3. Take the old one apart to see how it works. Harvest all the useful parts and use the parts to make something else.

The correct answer of course is number 3, but you knew that anyway. That makes you the kind of person that would probably like TOG.

So the trusty washing machine from 1996 was getting a bit tired. The drum bearings needed replacing (a relatively straightforward job)…they were squealing louder and louder. The drain pump started to make a racket and wouldn’t empty after a wash…. maybe it was seized or something jammed in it. Looking inside, it was obvious that it was leaking a bit also, probably when it was spinning. Time for a new machine.

Taking apart the old one, there’s a lot of interesting and useful bits. There’s a nice AC motor and an electronic speed controller. There’s some pulleys and a drive belt. There are also assorted hoses, electrical bits and valves. There’s also the stainless steel drum. Removing the drum from its aluminium mounting, and adding a few steel legs….. we have instant patio heater. Who needs a chiminea! Being stainless steel, it wont rust either.

We gave the new heater a test run this week and it worked a treat. Come in and stand around it at the next open social. Lots of pics here