More Appliance Repairs

We are no stranger to appliance repairs at TOG. In the past we have taken part in Repair Cafe’s, and we’ve looked at things brought to us by members and visitors. This time it was a Beko DW600 dishwasher that kept burning out its water heater relay every few months. The heater should only be on when heating the water but it seemed to be on all the time, and the machine could be heard gurgling and hissing when filling. On investigation, the Omron G5 relay that powers the water heater had failed with visible burning on the case. The relay failed in the ON state.

This is a very cheap part…. less than 1 Euro. After replacing it several times a few months apart, a bigger and better relay was found after a rummage through our electronics room. A Crydom D2450 solid state relay rated at 45 Amps and zero-crossing switching no less! This should have no trouble handling the approx 7.5A that the heater draws.

What was causing the original relay to fail is not certain. It doesn’t have much air circulation where it is mounted, and the the location of the control PCB itself is very close to the hot inner door of the dishwasher. So time will tell if the new relay can handle the job.

Welder repair

An ancient proverb says that power tool failures occur in threes. During the same week that the lathe motor burned out and the compressor wire meltdown has turned it into a scary noise machine, we also had a mysterious malfunction in one of our welders. It didn’t release any smoke, didn’t make weird noises. It just didn’t weld. 0 volts across the output.

Inside of the welder (top view) before the repair attempt. Note that a large number of similar – but not identical – top boards can be found on Aliexpress.

This machine, a small 180A TIG/MMA inverter welder, has recently been repaired. It was not used heavily, as TOG has only so much use for welding. In fact, it was only used by a couple members to practise their welding skills.

On one hand, this machine was 5 year old, has been used extensively in the past and could have been written off as death of old age. The cost of a commercial repair would probably exceed the value of the welder. On the other hand – why not try to repair it ourselves before scrapping it?

Continue reading “Welder repair”

Project: Lasercut Fridge Magnets

Its been a while since this blog had some laser-cut goodness. This latest project is to create fridge magnets for a members event.  The design uses the Alpha Thin font and features a person holding some fire poi.  

After the cutting them all out of 3mm Birch Plywood, we marred them to magnets to with some glue.


We used Dry Erase White Magnetic Strip Roll, as we had it on hand. To glue them together  we used our new favorite glue, Mitre Fast Adhesive.

For more photos of the build, visit our gallery. If you would like to do you our laser cutting projects do come along to one of our CAD nights. 


More Ebike Fun

We’ve posted before about our tinkering around with Ebikes. One of our members had a faulty Ebike battery.  Opening it up, the battery management circuit was found to be toast. We sourced a new one online from China, fitted it, and the battery is back up and running. We are thinking of making some spare batteries from old laptop batteries. We’re also thinking of having a TOG loaner Ebike. If you have any old laptop batteries that you could donate to us, we’d be interested. If you’d like to take a look at our Ebike works, drop in to our regular Monday evening Electronics night.

Pizza Oven Rev 3

Back in our Chancery Lane days we made a very successful pizza oven. It became a regular feature of our monthly Open Socials. In late 2015 we moved to our fantastic new space in Blackpitts. One thing we don’t have in Blackpitts is our own dedicated outside yard. We can do things outside, but it is a shared car park so we can’t leave things out there. This means that we’ve had to build our oven every time and take it down again, for special occasions like our annual birthday party or summer post-Dublin Maker BBQ.

So its been on the to-do list for some time, to make a portable version that we can wheel in and out as required. We started the process yesterday to build a molded dome from lightweight concrete. There are lots of plans on line for this using a gym ball as a former. We’ll be working on it over the next few weeks. Drop in and have a look.

Fixing the Variac……..Part 2


A few months ago we did a blog post about our variac. It was tripping the circuit breakers on our distribution board and we made some mods to the variac to reduce the inrush current. Our story generated a lot of interest and was picked up by Hackaday. We used a 2 terminal NTC inrush current limiter from Ametherm.

Following our story, the good folks at Ametherm and Rhopoint Components (our local distributor) were in touch with us. They gave us some great technical advice and did some calculations for us. They have a whole range of limiters and it turns out that we had actually chosen quite a good model for our application. They kindly sent us some samples.

There are many ways to soft start a load. We originally thought about adding a series power resistor and a shorting relay. We also had some suggestions around Triac and IGBT solutions. Each of these methods have their merits and can allow fine grained control of switch-on. Unfortunately there was very little room inside the variac case and we didn’t want some kind of external box. So we looked at these relatively simple 2 terminal limiters.

Carefully chosen, these components are an elegant solution. They can probably last the life of the application with no maintenance. Placed in series with the load, they have a relatively high resistance at room temperature which limits the initial inrush current. When current flows through them they self-heat and the resistance falls very quickly, so they have little effect on the normal operating current.

We have now done a rev 2 of our mod. This time selecting the model MS32 5R020 limiter. It has a lower cold resistance of 5 ohms which should keep the operating temperature down a bit. Originally, we connected the limiter using PVC insulated wire, solder and heatshrink. Given the relatively high temperatures, we have replaced this with tubular glass fibre insulation and ceramic connectors. We should have no temperature worries now.
One other gotcha we found, is that our distribution board circuit breakers are actually B-curve and not C-curve as we earlier thought. That makes them even more sensitive to surges. When we did our original mod, we didn’t do a full load test. We did a quick run with our heatgun (about 9 amps). This time we did a full load test. At 12A of output current and an ambient temp of 20 deg c. The body of the limiter measured 200 deg C, which is hot, but below the 225 deg C max rating of the device. This was quite an extreme test, but we’ll continue to monitor and do some tweaks if possible.
If you’d like to take a look at our variac, or do something else with electronics, our regular Electronics, Microcontroller and IOT evening takes place every 2nd Monday. Check out the events section of our website for details.