The TwitterKnitter

One of TOG’s projects for the Dublin Mini Maker Faire 2013. This 40 year old, entirely mechanical knitting machine was upgraded with servos, electronics and laser cut parts, and spent the day knitting tweets sent by attendees.

Empisal Knitmaster 321
Originally designed to take knitting patterns from punchcards…
Oh yes.
… so we upgraded it.
At the TOG stand at Dublin Mini Maker Faire
Fixed that stuck line :)

Making Emergency Keys


As part of our bi-weekly lockpicking group we regularly test the security of locks. At next weeks meet we will be making our own keys. Emergency keys are handy if you lose, or bend your existing key. They can be made from proper manufactured key blanks, but they can also be made from old plastic bottles, or coke cans

Blank key

There are various techniques for actually cutting the teeth into the key, for plastic and can keys; a scissors is all that is needed, for proper key blanks a needle file or dremel is best

The usual recommendation is to learn using unused locks as badly made keys can jam or damage locks. The aim of the night will be to learn key cutting using the scissors method, working up to cutting a double sided emergency key for a car. Extra bonus points for those who arrive with a pre-made key for my car made from the photo above! No need to book nor bring anything, just have a look at the 3 videos above and drop by on Tuesday May 7th at 7.30pm.

GaelHack 2013

Some of you already know that members of the Irish Hackerspaces Community have been talking about running a Hacker / Maker Camp in Ireland, similar to other events like this such as EMF Camp last year in the UK.

GaelHack is to do just that! From 7th – 9th June 2013 hackers, geeks, scientists, engineers, artists, and crafters will meet in Mount Melleray Scout Center, near Cappoquin in Waterford. There they will hold workshops, talks, and be able to collaborate on projects to their hearts content, and hopefully well past their bed time.

At the moment early-bird tickets are just €80 and that includes camping/dorm accommodation, and basic food. What more would you want from a weekend? Well you can tell us, and join the mailing list to help in making GaelHack a great weekend.

Spread the good work on what we are trying to do. Website for the event is

Maker Faire Project: Constellation Quilts

Dublin Mini Maker Faire logo

Did you see us at the first Dublin Mini Maker Faire in Trinity on Saturday? We had a blast! We’ll have a round-up of the day itself, and the bbq we had next day in a future post. But first, let’s talk about the projects we made especially for Maker Faire!

A call went out among the TOG fullmember mailing list; to make new projects for Maker Faire. We noble crafters stepped up to the plate and came up with the idea of Constellation Quilts! After several weeks of prototyping and experimentation, and only one week left before the Faire, we got started in earnest.

Continue reading “Maker Faire Project: Constellation Quilts”

Stop motion Build Blacksmith forge

Today we made a blacksmith forge that worked quite well after looking at a few other designs and working with what we found around the space we where able to build a blacksmith forge.

Fan is from an old oil burner
Running fuel is just normal coal but there are better options.

Check out video and photos for more details or leave a comment down below.


Plasma cutter

New toy in Tog arrived yesterday (Sip P184 HF TIG/ARC/Plasma) we have cracked it open and started to use it check out the video and drop and and take a look.