
pizza oven 2Every pizza joint around here knows TOG. You hardly ever have to explain to them where we are. So it was high time that we made our own pizza oven in the yard.

Loads of pics here

First we had to set some cavity blocks. There’s quite a slope on TOG’s yard so the left side was about 20mm lower than the right. The left side blocks had to be raised to compensate. After the bottom 4 blocks were set, the others were simply stacked on top. Lengths of timber, painted with bitumen paint for waterproofing, were laid across the top, Now we had a suitable platform to build on.

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The metal lathe’s shiny new cover

The lathe in its new cover near its friend the tiny geodesic dome.
The lathe in its new cover near its friend the tiny geodesic dome.

A few of TOG’s members got together and put a metal lathe in the workshop. The workshop is the most appropriate place for it, but also the place it’s most likely to gather dust (from other people’s projects, the lathe will get plenty of use). So the first project for the lathe was to build it a cover.
Continue reading “The metal lathe’s shiny new cover”