Craft Engineering

Event Description:

This event is cancelled. AnĀ  Introduction to the Arduino Platform will now take place on this evening.

This will be a hands-on night were participants will be challenged to constructed the largest, strongest, or most creative three-dimensional structures using craft materials like paper or matchsticks and a small bit of glue.


This is a free event open to all.Use contact form below for booking.


Thursday 11th of February. 19.00 to 22.00


In TOG. See location page.

No craft skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Event open to ALL. Limited to 12 participants per Event.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Craft Engineering”

An Evening of Amateur Radio

Event Description:

Amateur Radio is a hobby of constructing, experimenting and communicating. A licensed radio experimenter can operate two-way radio equipment from almost anywhere, and can talk across town or around the world. Ireland is a hive for Amateur Radio enthusiasts , with over 35 clubs around the country. The scope and possibilities are endless with Radio, for example, experiments with home-built equipment or antennas, sending TV pictures, operating through satellites, or just having a quiet chat with friends at home or abroad. This evening is a chance for the public to get an introduction to Amateur Radio and to see how it all works.


This is a free event open to all.Use contact form below for booking.


Tuesday 9th of February. 19.00 to 22.00

This event is booked out. Please join our mailing list to keep up to date for future events. Mailing List Subscribe Link


In TOG. See location page.

Participants must be at least 18 years old. Event open to ALL. Limited to 12 participants per Event.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “An Evening of Amateur Radio”

Introduction to the Arduino Platform

Event Description:

The night will be a quick introduction to the Arduino platform; showing you the Arduino development environment, the features of the Arduino programming language, and showing some Arduino hardware and shields.


This is a free event open to all.Use contact form below for booking.


Wednesday 10th of February. 19.00 to 22.00 Booked out. Another day added.

Thursday 11th of February. 19.00 to 22.00.

This event is booked out. Please join our mailing list to keep up to date for future events. Mailing List Subscribe Link


In TOG. See location page.

No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Event open to ALL. Limited to 12 participants per Event.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Introduction to the Arduino Platform”

Using Open Source tools to create a Circuit Board

Event Description:

On this night a demonstration will be given on using open source electronic design tools to create a circuit board from schematic to pcb layout. The demonstration will concentrate on using the schematic capture tool gschem and the circuit board layout tool pcb on Linux. Highlighting how to use the two programs together, and creating suitable symbols & land-patterns.


This is a free event open to all.Use contact form below for booking.


Monday 8th of February. 19.00 to 22.00.

This event is booked out. Please join our mailing list to keep up to date for future events. Mailing List Subscribe Link


In TOG. See location page.

No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Event open to ALL. Limited to 12 participants per Event.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Using Open Source tools to create a Circuit Board”