*EDIT Two places have just opened up for this event use the contact form below to book.
First off, we want to say a great big Thank You to the people who came to the first Craft Night. The vibe was very good, the chats fun, and I loved seeing what everyone was working on. I, for one, had a great time, and hope everyone else did too 🙂
Secondly, sorry to all the people that wanted to come that didn’t make it! But, you might be interested in the third point.
Thirdly, we’re going to do it again! The response was phenomenal. Clearly this is something the community has been needing for a long time. So every second Tuesday (from Tuesday, 27th July, until further notice), from 7pm until late, will be Craft Night at TOG!
However, we are still limited on space. For the next few weeks we will have to restrict the numbers, and keep the process whereby you contact us via the Contact Form below (*EDIT* Contact Form removed because this session is full. See below for details.) to book a place. The number 12 seemed to work well, so we’ll keep it. Please only book a place if you’re sure you can come. (And if you end up not being able to make it, that’s okay, just send us an email/text/SMS and let us know so we’re not worried about you.)
Third-and-a-half-ly, the demand really is rather high, and as more people hear about it, more people get interested. This is great, truly, but may mean that in future we’ll have to think about splitting the event up into different types of craft. For example; Sewing, Knitting, Jewellery, etc. Indeed, if there’s specific interest in one area we’re happy to do this (already starting to plot some workshops/courses), but I think it will be nice to keep the general Craft Night as well. At the very least it may mean spreading out into a couple of rooms, but is something we’ll have to come back to in the future.
For now, rejoice! More group crafting lays ahead! Once again, any kind of craft is welcome! So book your place quickly, looks like we’ll fill up fast! Remember, this post is for Tuesday, 27th July (we’ll post more for the other events). And we look forward to meeting you all (eventually)!
(P.S. We do have a photo or two somewhere that prove people came, but have yet to track them down…
P.P.S. Because we like to be in with the cool kids we have a twitter you can follow if interested: http://twitter.com/TOG_Dublin. Also, email crafty@tog.ie for general crafty stuff, not booking places.
P.P.P.S. I forgot to mention, we’re currently looking to compile a good list of places where people can get crafting supplies. If you have somewhere you’d like to mention please feel free to email us, tweet us, or use the form below.)
Once again, bitter-sweet news, we’re full up! Sorry if you can’t come again this time. But please note: The notice/sign-up for the following craft night (10th August) will go up after the next one (27th July). So, if you want to make sure you’re signed up, make sure to check back here on the 28th!
Okay, because of the popularity we’re trying to think up ways of enabling more people to craft together.
One suggestion is how about a weekend session in addition to the Tuesday one? We need to know numbers of people interested, and whether Saturday or Sunday would suit better? Morning, afternoon, evening?
Also, we understand that people are having trouble knowing if they will be available on a given day (until rotas are done out, etc) until a day or two beforehand.
So, we could do a delayed release thing? Like, have early-bird spots like now, but also keep back a few until the day before? While more fair to some people it’s less fair to others.
Another idea is for the weekend session, not having to book a place. It would be nice if you could let us know if you’re going to try to make it, because having 30 people show up won’t lead to any fun for anyone if we’re not prepared.
We’re very interested in hearing your opinions. Seriously, only hearing our own voices just leaves us talking in circles. Let us know what you need. You can leave a comment here, or more privately an e-mail to crafty@tog.ie