Open Source : A philosophy for Life talk & Open Social Night

On Saturday 6th of November, we are delighted to have John Looney from Google give a passionate talk about Open Source : A philosophy for Life. This talk also coincides with our normal lively Open Social nights. These nights are a great chance to come and meet the members of TOG and have a bit of fun. BYOB. The night kicks off at 7pm. All welcome.

John Looney
After many years working in Google, John Looney realised that there were strong correlations between the way Google works internally, and the way the Open Source community works. It’s allow Google to stay reasonably flexible, despite growing it’s engineering teams past 10,000. In this talk, John examines various aspects of Open Source culture and how they can be mapped to a large organisation. This talk would be interesting to anyone who is curious how open source has managed to deliver such a stunning array of impactful projects and how large organisations can function efficiently. There will also be some discussion on how such culture that is certainly not unique to Google Engineering.

Oops, Craftings

Hey all, sorry this is late, things have been way too busy around here. First off, thanks to those people who came to the Crochet Workshop. We hope you enjoyed it. It turned out to be more frustrating than I thought. Now I understand what my mother meant when she said she didn’t have the patience for it! Still, I’m very impressed with what can be made with a length of string and one needle with a hook in it!

Secondly, Craft Night on Tuesday, 21st September is still on. From about 7pm until we all leave for last buses. Bring anything you want to work on, and just hang out with other crafters. Although I suspect there will be a few others finishing off their crochet with me 🙂 As usual, please use the form below to book a place.

Thirdly, this will be the last Tuesday Craft Night that I, and a few others, will be able to attend. (Don’t worry, Meg will keep them ticking along. Although, if you’re a member I’m sure she’d appreciate some help.) This saddens me, so I’m trying to find another day to have another Craft Night/Day on. Restrictions due to availability of free space, and available members really cuts down the options: Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Please, if are interested in coming on one of these days, let us know which you’d prefer, what times, and how often you’d be able to make it (e.g. every week, every two weeks, once a month, etc). Through the form below, or in email to crafty[at]
Continue reading “Oops, Craftings”

What’s that you say, Crafting? Oh, okay!

Tuesday, 7th September, from 7pm until about last buses. In TOG (behind the dodgy looking black gate, there’s an intercom button you can press for admittance). Limited to 12 people. Bring any form of craft you want (and can carry) to work on. We have a sewing machine on the premises (in another room, can be a bit lonely all by yourself), but you should bring whatever thread you need as our selection is poor. Otherwise, we have tea, and usually coffee. It’s a fun night, always a bunch of new people around, and some very talented craftspeople (as well as newbies like me). Send us a note through the Contact Form below if you would like to come along.

Speaking of events, have you seen our first workshop? Crochet Workshop – Stars and Spheres, it’s got pretty pictures. We’re just about full. But because of the way we’re booking places not all are taken yet, but some people do already have dibs on them. If you’re interested you can still contact us about it and we’ll put you on the wait-list. Also, we welcome any suggestions you have for future workshops (whether you’re offering to run them, or there’s something you’d really like to learn about).

*EDIT* Still a couple of places left! Let us know if you want to pop along tomorrow!

Continue reading “What’s that you say, Crafting? Oh, okay!”

Crafting Call!

Hello again, I hope you’re all enjoying the Irish Hackerspaces Week that’s going on. I am personally very impressed with the talks I’ve attended, and now I have even more to add to the never-ending list of stuff I have to do. If you haven’t been to anything yet there’s still more on, and there’s an Open Social night tomorrow for just chatting and having a laugh.

My point? Oh yes, the point of this post. This is the call for Craft Night next Tuesday (24th August). If you want to attend send us a note through the form below. (We’ll more than likely send you a reply asking you to confirm, because we really want to make sure you’ll be there :)) Details same as usual, Tuesday, from 7pm (until about last buses). Bring anything you’re working on, and just have fun with other crafters. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Continue reading “Crafting Call!”

Irish Hackerspaces Week

Irish Hackerspaces Week is a week long series of events showcasing the different Hackerspace across Ireland. The week aims to show what each space brings to their local community.
If you are coming to any of the events please sign up using the contact form at the end of the page.

Time Table of Events in 091labs Galway. Read more

Time Table of Events in TOG

Saturday 14th:

Soldering Workshop 10.00-12.30 & 14.00-16.30 Read more

Sunday 15th:

Harvard Course screening: “Introduction to C” – programming afterwards 14.00 Read more
The Joys of 3D Printing 16.00 Read more

Monday 16th:

E-textiles & Conductive Thread 19.00 Read more
Intro Ardunio 20.30 Read more
Processing 21.00 Read more

Tuesday 17th:

Oh, sweet! The Sugar learning environment 19.30 Read more

Lockpicking: The Myths and Truths  20.30 Read more

Wednesday 18th:

An Evening of Amateur Radio 18.30 Read more
Fun with Pattern Matching – Or how to build a database using flat files 19.30 Read more

Thursday 19th:

Open Social Night with a Film.. 19.00 Read more

Friday 20th:

Synchronous Hacker Quiz 20.00 Read more

Saturday 21st:

10th Global Synchronous Hackathon 13.00 Read more

Sunday 22nd:

10th Global Synchronous Hackathon 13.00 Read more
Standford Course screening:  “Introduction to Machine Learning” –  programming afterwards 14.00 Read more

Continue reading “Irish Hackerspaces Week”

Crafting here, Crafting there, Crafting everywhere!

August 10th, Tuesday, from 7pm, we’ll be crafting again, and we’d love for you to join us! If you intend on coming, please send us a message through the Contact Form below.
(Sorry about the mis-information in the last craft-post, as you can see the call for booking places is one week, not two, from the next one.)
Interest does seem to be ebbing, what with Summer, and general life stuff, so if you’re worried about scheduling feel free to check back Monday, or Tuesday, we’ll let you know if there’s still room.
See, I can do short posts too 🙂

Continue reading “Crafting here, Crafting there, Crafting everywhere!”