June Social, Projects Night and Summer Fund

The beginning of June represents the one year anniversary of TOG moving into Chancery Lane or TOG 2.0. To celebrate we’ll be having a dinner party during the June 4th social night.

So what do you want from a TOG dinner party? Ordinary three course meal; formal four course meal; party food; experimental cooking; BBQ; bring-your-own?

We’ve a reasonably equipped kitchen and BBQ. We expect to meet up in TOG about 2pm for the clean up, shopping, preparation, cooking/baking, with dinner starting about 6-7pm. If you like to attend, cook or bring something comment below. We’ll probably have a small contribution to cover the food costs. BYOB.

Following on from the March event we’ll also be having Projects Night on Saturday. Participants will have a short opportunity to present projects they have worked since the last meeting and any new projects they hope to work on over the next three months. We expect this meeting to run from about 8pm to 9pm.

Somewhat related to the Projects Night we are announcing our Summer Fund. Over the three summer months this fund will provide approximately €120 per month for a group project(s). The exact criteria hasn’t been set yet. But it will likely involves a lump sum being give to a project to buy parts/materials for a project which involves/stimulates group activity in the space. Project suggestions and participation from non-members is welcomed.

Crafting Nights, Revived

Hello all! This is just a quick note to let you know that Crafting Nights in tog are back. It’s been a little quiet of late (as people have exams or have to commute half way across Europe), but if crafting is your thing then we’ll be there this Tuesday (17th May) from 7pm. Every second Tuesday after that. All are welcome, any kind of craft admired, and a cup of tea to be had. Look forward to seeing you there 🙂

Saturday April 2nd

We’ve got some activities tomorrow Saturday April 2nd in TOG that you might like to attend.

The first is the Ubuntu Global Jam from 10am to 6pm.

Ubuntu Global Jam is a great event for many reasons. It is both social
and fun with many face to face meetups around the globe where people
work and play on an extraordinarily wide variety of ubuntu related
topics. People will work on bugs (both reporting and fixing), testing
the latest Natty release, documentation, advocacy material and many
other things lots of which probably haven’t even been considered as of

The second is our regular Saturday Open Social Night from 7pm to late. Come and hangout with Dublin’s hackers and makers for a chat or to show off your latest project. Our tuck shop has been restocked, we’re now stocking Club-Mate original the ultimate hacker drink.

Craft Night: A candle for Easter

Tomorrow is another craft night, and I have brought some egg-shaped candles that need decorating and new homes 🙂
They will be €1.50 each, and depending on you creativity it will take you 5 minutes to half an hour to finish your creation.

As always: You can bring your own craft project and work on that and just share some tea and conversation 🙂

Hope so see you there!

Projects Night

We’re doing something different during the Open Social Night on Saturday 5th of March and having a quick Projects Meeting between 19:30 and 20:30. The general idea for this meetings is for people to quickly present any projects or activities they hope to work on over the next 3 months.

The format will consist of each presenter having 2-3 minutes to inspire others to get involved in their project. Presenters don’t have to be TOG members, everybody is welcome. So be creative and use slides, photos, prototypes, etc.

As for projects, anything goes.

After the meeting there will be lots of time to discuss and develop the proposed projects over some beers. BYOB

TOG is two!

Today is the two year anniversary of the announcement of TOG on the Irish Linux User Group mailing list. So to celebrate our birthday we are going to have a party on the anniversary of the first meeting.

The party will be in our space on Saturday January 29th starting 7:30 pm, this is a free event and BYOB.

So we can keep an eye on the numbers please post a comment below if you going to attend.