January Talks; Computer Games Development Night

Ever wonder what goes into making a computer game? Well, we have a night of talks to suit you! Computer Games Development Night will feature a variety of talks from professionals in the computer games industry, covering topics like development processes and behing-the-scenes tools that make your games enjoyable.

And for some variety we’ll have a few short talks about projects people are working on, a sort of show-and-tell.

Date: Thursday, 10th of January
Time: Open from 18.30, Talks begin 19.15
Location: TOG

Cost: Free
No Signup required.

Continue reading “January Talks; Computer Games Development Night”

Open Social Night / Ubuntu Release Party

The next version of Ubuntu is coming soon

TOG is delighted to be hosting the Ubuntu-ie community as they celebrate the upcoming release of Quantal Quetzal. Ubuntu 12.10 will be released on the 18th October 2012, and the party to celebrate will coincide with our usual Open Social night on Saturday, 20th October.

On the night there will be a number of demo machines set-up showing the latest offering, and members of the Ubuntu-ie community will be available to answer any questions you might have.

But of course it’s also our normal Open Social night so feel free to drop by see the space, chat to TOG members and share some food and drink. It promises to be a good night.

Date: 20th October

Time: From 7.00pm



Irish Hackerspaces Week 2012

Irish Hackerspace Week 2012 Logo
Irish Hackerspace Week 2012

This year Irish Hackerspaces Week falls between September 15th – 23rd. This gives hackerspaces around Ireland a chance to expand their reach in to the local community.

TOG has already started to get events ready for this week. Sept 15th and 16th is the Synchronous Hackathon weekend which is a great weekend to get people aware of that can happen in a hackerspace. Our usual Open Social is on the 15th to kick off the whole weekend. We also have a yearly quiz on the last weekend ( Saturday 22nd ), and get all the hackerspaces together via audio/video link with questions dished out by our very own TOG Quiz Master.

Apart from those weekend activities, during the week we are planning electronics and craft activities, a night of short talks on various topics and a Gastro Night, discussing food science and beer brewing 🙂

As the calendar for this week comes together we will be posting a schedule for all to see.

Watch this space.

[events_list limit=2 pagination=1 event=”5,6″][/events_list]

Craft Night with added Sugar

Hello again Crafters! It’s been a long year, many projects were started, a few even finished, and it’s always good to see your toil pay off. So we at tog reckon it’s time for a Craft Night reward. The next Craft Night (Tuesday, 13th) will be a special cookies and sugarcraft night! We’ll be baking cookies, icing them, and someone even mentioned hot chocolate 🙂

If that’s not your thing don’t worry, it will be a regular Craft Night too, just with added sugar-fueled giddiness from the kitchen! The sugary rewards are available to anyone on the night doing any craft. And it’s also the last Craft Night of the year (to begin again in January), so why not? Come along, have some fun 😀

Open Social with Tunes


This weekends Open Social will have a bit of a twist. There will be some live music to go along with the usually good mix of food, drinks and chat.

The social will kick off at 7pm this Saturday the 2nd of July until late. Feel  free to bring your own beer and food along.  It’s a great chance to visit the space and see what we are all about.This event is free and open to the public.

Dan a member of Tog will be giving an update on the great work being done at  Cloughjordan, a new eco village, located in Tipperary.

Cloughjordan is a new concept in living. With Fibre Optic Internet to
every home, communal heating system, low energy concept housing, and a hackers dream, a fab-lab with laser cutter and a shop bot robotic machine. The fab-lab is still in construction with the foundations laid. Dan visited the village as part of the food festival and will explain how the village works and how they need help from hackers to get the best of technology to drive the economy.

After the talk we will have a set from Ewan from Boy Scout Audio http://boyscoutaudio.com/.  Restricted to a mere 16 notes per pattern and 16 patterns per track, he squeezes the last drops of musical juice from a Nintendo DS, battering the synthesised daylights out of the bare-bones Korg DS-10 software that is the sole sound of his music. Csixtyforce and Zyme from Gamepak have also been added to the line up. Bring on the chip tunes.