3D Printer Reprep Code Improvement

220px-RepRap_'Mendel' SmartController

On Saturday 5th of October from 2pm-6pm TOG is holding a 3D Printer Arduino code improvement day.

3D printers are all the rage at the moment. However they are not without their faults and some of the budget, hobbiest models could do with an improvement or two.

The aim of the afternoon will be to improve the Reprap code to add extra features.
The stand alone reprap uses an Arduino based stand controller to print without needing a computer connected.

A second project would be to add bluetooth wireless operation.

The controller being used is:

The display is:


and the code is:


Whoever works on the project will be given access to a working Reprap with all the hardware for testing the setup. There may be a budget for the time involved if working on the code after the first day. The main plan for the day is to specify what changes need to be made.

No need to book, just show up. Anyone with an interest in 3D printing is welcome. While the event is free we will be asking for donations to cover the hosting costs.

Open-Source Night – June

The next open-source night will take place on Wednesday, June 19th. This is a hands-on event where people are actively encouraged to participate. Please bring a laptop!

6:30 – Doors open
7:00 – Talk: How to contribute to OpenStreetMap, by Rory McCann
7:25 – Lightning talks: A chance to introduce the open-source project you’ll be working on during the evening in 5 minutes or less, and get interested people to join you
7:45 – Break into groups, and get contributing!

Open-Source Night #2

The second open-source night will take place on Wednesday, March 20th, with a couple of tweaks.

6:30 – Doors open
7:00 – Talk: Introduction to open-source licences, Mark McLoughlin
7:15 – Talk: Contributing to Django, Julie Pichon
7:30 – Project super-lightning talks: Introduce the project you’ll be working on for the evening in 2 to 5 minutes, and get interested people to join in!
7:45 – Break into groups and contribute to a project 🙂

Remember, this is a hands-on event, please bring a laptop. We hope to see you there!

Hack Across Europe in Dublin


At the last Lockpicking Night (12th February) we had a special visitor to the space. Darren Kitchen is hacking his way around Europe, and last week he was in Dublin. He stopped by the space and filmed a segment of this Hak5 episode from our humble little brown leather sofa.

We’d like to take this opportunity to apologise for our boisterous lockpickers (you should hear our parties…), and hope it doesn’t distract too much from the great content about captive portals. By all accounts everyone had a great time, so if Darren is making his way to a town near you it’s worth looking him up. If not, there’s plenty at Hak5 to keep you entertained.

ILUG AGM & Talks



The Irish Linux User Group (ILUG) will have their AGM  in TOG on Sunday 24th from 3pm.  The format of the event will be a number of interesting talks followed by a short AGM. The event is open to anyone and free. And for those who are new to or completely inexperienced in Linux: Be not afraid! The event is open to all.

Join their mailing list to get involved!


You might also be interested in our One Small Step: Open-Source Night



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