raSTEM Visit

We welcomed members of the raSTEM project from Croatia. They are on a fact-finding trip to Dublin visiting STEM formal educators and non-formal.

Our own Jeffrey Roe gave them a tour and talk about what we do in Tog.

“raSTEM – Development of STEM in Vukovar”, which is supported by the European Union (European Social Fund/ Office for Associations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia).
The goal of the raSTEM project is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to popularize STEM through the development of new and innovative STEM content for end users – children, youth and the population in general.

The study visit is to find examples of good practice. The group consists of 20 participants (representatives of project partners: professors, gymnasiums and technical schools from Vukovar, representatives of the University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Information Technologies, City of Vukovar, Vukovar Development Agency And representatives of local CSOs).

Lead partner is of the project is, YPGD MGMD Youth Peace Group Danube, Vukovar (Croatia).
The project is implemented by the partner organizations and institutions: 
1. Vura d.o.o. – Development Agency, Vukovar
2. European House, Vukovar
3. Gymnasium, Vukovar
4. Nikola Tesla Technical Secondary School, Vukovar
5. University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Information Technologies
6. City of Vukovar 

Learn Digital Systems Design Using Microcontrollers with Raspberry Pi Pico at Tog

Join us at Tog to learn about microcontroller design and implementation using the Raspberry Pi Pico from Cornell University by following their Digital Systems Design Using Microcontrollers. The course is perfect for intermediate coders who want to take their skills to the next level.


During this course, we’ll be watching lecture videos together and discussing the content in person. We’ll be scheduling one lecture every two weeks on Monday evenings, starting with the first four lectures. After that, we’ll discuss as a group if we’re ready to proceed with the next four lectures. With 28 lectures in total, there’s plenty of material to explore and learn from.

At Tog, we provide a welcoming environment for learning and collaborating. Our fully equipped electronics lab has lots of components and test gear, and we’ll have tea, coffee, and snacks available to keep you energized throughout the course.

Please note that this is a 3rd level university course, so it may not be suitable for absolute beginners. However, if you’re interested in learning and willing to put in the effort, this course could be a great opportunity for you to develop your skills.

To participate in the course, you’ll need to bring your own laptop and Raspberry Pi Pico. Donations to Tog are welcome but not required.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or visit our website for more information. We look forward to seeing you at Tog!


Monday 24/04/23 7 pm – Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Monday 08/05/23 7:15 pm – Lecture 2: Hardware/software overview
Monday 22/05/23 7:15 pm – Lecture 3: Timers, timer interrupts, SPI
Monday 19/06/23 7:15 pm – Lecture 4: Direct Digital Synthesis

St Mary’s Hospital Display Table

Hillary and Gary with the display table

St Mary’s Hospital reached out to us for help a while ago. It’s a multidisciplinary community hospital in the Phoenix Park, that offers stroke rehabilitation to patients of all ages, provides in patients rehabilitation to older population and provides residential care to older persons.

They run a gardening project for residents and were in need of a display table for their plants. They sell plants to visitors and staff to help cover the funding of the garden project. Our member, Gary was happy to jump on board as an avid gardener and maker to make up a display table.

Wicklow Makers Campaign Launch

“Tuesday 28th March will be the official launch of the Wicklow Makers (TBD) campaign to set up a makerspace in County Wicklow.

A campaign to create a makerspace for Wicklow, where anyone with common interests, such as art, crafts, computers, diy, electronics, machining, robotics, science, technology and more; can meet, socialise and collaborate.

I’ve been following the makerspace/hackerspace scene for over a decade and I admire what TOG have done for the scene in Dublin but unfortunately visits to either of the closest spaces to me of TOG or SEMS would require a 4/5 hour round trip reliant on public transport. This might be fine for the occasional weekend but rules out regular trips and weekdays visits.

Having met many I know there is a diverse community of makers with a variety of interests based in County Wicklow. Rather than bemoan the lack of a space locally, I am now willing to devote the effort and time required and I hope others will join me in the endeavor and together we can starting planning and organising with the aim of setting up a makerspace in County Wicklow.

For those who cannot help out I would still like to invite you to join us on this journey to gauge the interest and gather feedback.
Throughout Spring 2023 I intend to start reaching out to fellow makers both personally and online via social media with the aim of getting this campaign rolling.

Then during the summer once we have some sort of committee of interested individuals we can starting planning the setting up of a makerspace.

I envision this will be a long journey but in the meantime please join and follow us on our various channels and share the projects you are working on. #wicklowmakers.

-Niall, Wicklow Makers (TBD)”


TOG 14th Birthday Party

Every January we combine our regular Open Social and our Birthday Party to create one big monster bash. What a better way to beat the post Christmas blues. There are strong rumors of cake and other goodies. So get in on the 28th and wish us a Happy Birthday. Doors will be open from 7pm and we have lots of free parking available.

The party is free to attend for both members and visitors alike. You can drop in for 10 minutes, or stay the whole night. Bring beer, food, gadgets!

If you’ve never been to our Social, you’ll find it a great alternative Saturday evening in town. Come in and look around. If you’ve never been in before, we’ll give you the grand tour of the space. Talk to members and visitors about projects or things you’d like to do. If you like what you see, ask about joining as a full member.

Weather and volunteer permitting, we might have our wood fired pizza oven going outside. Expect caint, ceol agus craic as usual. The space stays open until the last member is left……usually the small hours of Sunday morning

South East Makerspace is looking for a new home

Our friends in South East Makerspace (SEMS) are looking for a new home. Details of the sort of building they are looking for are below.

The old space at Thomas Hill is no more. As a result, we are looking for alternative premises in Waterford City and the surrounding region.

So how might you help? Do you know of any properties that fit the
following criteria?
– a premises that might consider the “Vacant Premises Arts Scheme”
(rates waiver possible)
– running water
– toilet and sink
– mains power
– => 80sqm
– 2 rooms or 1 easily partitioned
– ventilated
– 24hr access

More info (flyer):

You can reach us here: