Ubuntu Rocks

Thanks to our local loco Ubuntu-ie we now have lots of new Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal cds. Desktop Kubuntu and even Server.  So if you around town drop in and pick one up.



Also this weekend (Saturday 21st) members of Ubuntu-ie will be meeting in TOG to work on there team re-approval during the hackathon. More details can be found here -> http://t9.ie/y

Unfortunately not everyone in TOG thinks Ubuntu rocks. Check out the video after the break.
Continue reading “Ubuntu Rocks”

Social Night Saturday May 7th

Come one come all:
We will be have a social night next Saturday 7th of May starting around 6pm if weather is night BBQ is on the cards. If weather is nice might start bit earlier but keep an eye out for what we are up to on website or get involved during the week.

Lower membership rate

Before the party last week TOG held it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2011. After reviewing the treasurer’s report for 2010 and some discussion, the group has decided to reduce the standard membership rate to €45 per month (down from €50), the starving hacker rate will stay at €30 per month.

TOG has established itself as a charitable organisation and is non-commercial and not-for-profit. Our intention is that our membership fee will be set so that it covers our operating costs. Our operating costs include rent, insurance, fees, electricity, gas, internet, etc.

Since moving to our new space in June 2010 our operating costs and membership income have now stabilised. So we are now at a point where we can start reducing the standard rate which has be set at €50 since we first began collecting money early in 2009. As more members come in, we hope to continue this process.

MiLK: Made in Limerick, get new website

MiLK labs
The number of thriving hackerspaces in Ireland continues to grow, and we couldn’t be happier! The most recent development on this front comes from our friends in MiLK (an awesome name derived from Made in LimericK), who have a new shiny website, and are now meeting twice a month (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday). They currently meet in the Absolute Hotel while they find a suitable physical space to call their own. We wish you all the best of luck and look forward to hearing great things from you in the near future!

Science and Innovation, coming to a TOG near you!

Ladies and Gentlemen, girls and boys, hackers of all genders, ages, and maturity levels. It’s nearly time for Science and Innovation!

Science Week runs from the 7th to the 14th of November.
Logo for Science Week

Innovation Dublin ‘Week’ runs from the 10th to the 21st of November.
Banner for Innovation Dublin

To celebrate, and participate in some of the fun, TOG will be running over ten events ranging from electronic crafts to making your own biofuel. We kick things off on Saturday, 6th Novemeber, with a Social Night, and keep going until Sunday, 21st November. But… we’re not going to tell you everything just yet. More details will follow, so stay tuned!

*EDIT* We give you, faithful blog reader, some more details: http://www.tog.ie/events/
A post with full complete listing to follow. The whole event kicks off with: Open Source Talk & Open Social Night.

All the events on one page!

Saturday 6th November

Sunday 7th November

Tuesday 9th November

Wednesday 10th November

Thursday 11th November

Friday 12th November

Saturday 13th November

Sunday 14th November

Tuesday 16th November

  • 7pm to 10pm – Craft Night

Wednesday 17th November

Thursday 18th November

Friday 19th November

Saturday 20th November

Sunday 21th November

Synchronous Hackathon 12: Hallowe’en

Hey all, just a few pieces of information first.
– Our esteemed Membership Secretary Jeffrey will be very busy over the next while, so he’s divided up some responsibilities among other members. This does unfortunately mean that you’re stuck with me as acting Blog Queen (… no-one ever gets that joke *sigh*).
– To that end, I thought it’d be nice to have a page here on the website that gathered together feeds from blogs with connections/similarities to tog. If you’d like to take part please send us a link to your blog for consideration (I say consideration, because if your blog is about economics and politics, while I’m sure it’s very insightful, it won’t be of much interest to most of the tog-sphere).
– Next, we now have a boards.ie forum! Go visit it, it’s kinda quiet at the moment. (Also, boards.ie made it onto the XKCD online communities map, which is just all kinds of awesome. Bottom-left of the Forums close-up: http://xkcd.com/802/.) You’ll find a running thread there with details of events on each week.

Which brings me to the real reason for this post! It’s October, Hallowe’en is fast approaching, and we’ve a Synchronous Hackathon this weekend! Of course, you don’t have to do Hallowe’en themed projects, but I encourage you to have a little fun and try out animatronic ghosts and Arduino pumpkins! Need EL wire for a costume idea? We’re just the people to see about that. Also, it’s the 12th event, next month is the 1-year anniversary! Time to start thinking up something big! So come, hack, create, have fun in the company of fellow hackers!