We have now moved all our equipment to TOG 3.0. At this point we will not closed our doors to the pubic for upto 3 weeks while we build rooms in the new space and get it ready for the public. In the mean time check out this gallery of photos taken during the move and the video of the new space below. Keep an eye on our mailing list for when we are open again.
TOG 3.0 We are Moving
So, our lease is up and we have found a new home just up the road in a space 3 times the size of our present home. 22 Blackpitts, Dublin 8, D08 P3K4 .
How can you help you ask ?
We are starting our move next weekend 17/10/15 and we need your HELP. If you can spare a few hours to lift a few boxes that would be great we start early Saturday and continue onto Sunday.
We also have social on Saturday night so if you help out we will feed you and give you beer for your help. All our events will remain in our current space until Sunday 18th of October.
Chaos Communication Camp – Irish Embassy
The Chaos Communication Camp is an international, five-day open-air event for hackers and associated life-forms. It provides a relaxed atmosphere for free exchange of technical, social, and political ideas. The Camp has everything you need: power, internet, food and fun. Bring your tent and participate!
13. – 17. August 2015, Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Zehdenick, Germany, Earth, Milky Way
The Irish hacker & maker communities that are travelling to CCC Camp invites you all to join us in forming an “Irish Embassy” This will be our village presence at the camp. We’ll be show casing any participant projects and coming up with new collaborative initiatives as the camp progresses. Become one of the Irish inhabitants or at least drop by and say Conas ata tú? We look forward to seeing all our friends and making new ones.
Important Safety Update: Tog is now ducksaster-ready
While politicians and the media remain silent about the impending duck-driven disasters coming our way, Tog has taken the proactive step of installing a Mutually Quacksured Duckstruction doomsday device for when the flocks finally rise up against us.
This is the most advanced system yet to come from Tog’s secretive Defence Using Counterfowl Knowledge Streams [D.U.C.K.S] Lab.
Several Tog members quit their jobs to develop this vital defence against The Flappy Menace, many going bankrupt in the process.
When terrifying scenes like the one below come visiting your town, who you gonna call?!
TOG Moving…….A Stay of Execution
TOG’s lease on Chancery lane expires in the next few days, but since they’re not ready to tear the place down just yet, we’ve been given a minor reprieve. We can stay on month-to-month for a little while. It’s a very busy time for us at the moment, so it kinda suits us to hold on for a little bit, until we get some events out of the way. We’re still preparing for the move, so watch this space or join our mailing list / twitter feed for updates.
Beefhack Success
Last weekend saw Ireland’s first food focused hackathon, Beefhack. The event sponsored by ABP Food Group, was about coming up will solutions for the Irish beef industry. The a prize fund was over €22,500, it drew people from all over the county to participate. Over 100 people on Friday evening came together to form 13 diverse teams to build all sorts of different projects. At the end of the weekend, 11 projects were completed and demoed to the public.
Our own Jeffrey Roe was on a team called “Track n Trace”. Their project was developing a smart tracker that monitors and collects data of beef produce while in transit. The tracker provides real time data and shipment info ensuring that there is full traceability of the product from field to fork. For more information about the project you can view this slides or photos.
We are delighted to see team “Track n Trace” came second in the competition winning €5,000. This TOG’s second success in a hackathon this month after the Smart City’s event. For more coverage of the event and to find out about the other winners you can read the Intel round up or Silicon Republic.