AGM Outcomes

Last Saturday 4th of February, we held the first AGM of the new Tog Hackerspace company. It has been a long process for us to move legal structure over the course of the last number of years. Our first AGM shows all these process are now in place and our new members get a chance to see how our organisation is run. 


New Code of Conduct

We have always had a section in our constitution about how members and the public should interact with each other but we felt a little more was needed. After a lot of internal discussions, we created an additional code to supplement what we have in our constitution. Our members have voted in the new code at our AGM. You can view it on our website. -> code of conduct


Directors Elections

We are delighted to Andrew Felle, Ben Field and William McLoughlin being elected to our board of directors. The board handles all legal requirements on behave of our members. We would like to thank our outgoing director Jeffrey Roe for this work over the past year. Our full board of directors is listed before. 

Board of Directors

  • Robert Fitzsimons
  • Sean Nicholls
  • Shane Phelan
  • Andrew Felle
  • Ben Field
  • William McLoughlin

Workshop Improvements

We have been improving our workshop a lot lately. Check out some of the work below.



We have found a new home for our air compressor and mounted it on our metal shelves.   We also mounted a air hose reel. It makes using air tools in our workshop very easy.



Label all the things. If you have a lot of stuff, soon you find yourself in a situation where you can’t find anythings. We have done a big sorting job of our stuff. So now most things have their own box.



We have long things like pipes  hat need to be put somewhere but they don’t fit in our current wood storage area. Long things now have their own area . aka Long things storage.

Drop by our upcoming Birthday Party to see a host of changes we have made to the space since our opening last year.

It’s back! TOG Craft Night

Well, we just about moved the last of the cobwebs off the sewing machines and preserved them for later… projects. The good news is that means we are now ready to start Craft Nights again!  Craft Night is starting on Wednesday, the 5th of October from 7pm.

Craft night is a night where any form of craft is welcome, from textile crafts, to paper crafts, to anything else you care for. Specifically on the agenda is Drawing, Painting, Knitting, Sewing, Embroidery, and that’s just the ones we know for sure. Whether you’re into making shoes, making jewellery, making candles, making bags, making clothes, the night is open to anyone who wants to make something. Bring whatever you are working on and share your knowledge or get help. Halloween is coming, maybe you can make some spooky decorations or costumes?


Find the event on Meetup.

Space Upgrade September 2016

We are always doing upgrades and improvements in our space.  Below are some of our latest.

IMG_20160910_160425 IMG_20160910_155922IMG_20160910_155556

We have added in extraction systems in each of our toilets. We have disabled the urinal and changed the toilets to be gender neutral.



More desks. We have added a new desk near our lathe and another one in the electronics room.





General clear out. We also filled a skip with building waste and general stuff left over from the move.




Check out our gallery for a full photo set of the changes.

Coder Girl Hack Day

Coder Girl Hack Day is a one day tech event focusing on creative wearables, maker magic and web development. It a celebrate of International Day of the Girl and EU Code Week. It brings together the community for an inclusive family event featuring learning sessions for girls & parents. This year, the event will be held on October 15th in Dog Patch Labs, CHQ. The event takes the form of a number of tracks to give participators different flavors of creative endeavors.
Tog is teaming up with Intel Ireland to add the maker element to the day. Last year, we had the girls create light houses, this year continuing on the light theme we will be making shadow boxes. These boxes can be used to make cool lighting displays or shadow puppets shows.
This is made possible by an eclectic mix of community groups and industry supporters. Here in Tog , we are proud to be one of them. Tickets Below.

Electric Picnic 2016


Electric Picnic marks the end of the Irish summer. Some say its too late and summer is already over by the time it happens due to the amount of rain that typically lands on the festival. We were invited by the Science Gallery to run two different workshops over the course of the festival.  We ran a locking picking session and a field test of the conductivity of liquids.

Over the two days festival goers were entertain by being handcuffed to each other and left to pick their way out  and with the kids being amazed to find out distilled water does not conduct electricity. Check out our gallery for the full photo set.
