Everything TOG in September: crafting, coding, lock picking, book club, Culture Night


Back to school and back to TOG this September…

Our members are over in the UK for EMF camp, follow @tog_dublin on twitter for updates on how the camp is going.

Lock Picking: Runs on Mondays, the 3rd and 17th of September at 7pm. Come down and try your hand at cracking open tumbler, tubular or warded locks.

Craft Night: Runs on Wednesdays, the 5th and 19th September at 7pm. Knitting? Crochet? Embroidery? Laser cutting? 3D printing? Join us and work on something you know, or learn something you don’t.

Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs on Mondays, the 10th and 24th September at 7pm. Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos are just some of the things you can work on down here, or try our introductions to electronics worksheet. Recommended you bring your own laptop.

The Science Fiction Book Club will meet on Wednesday 26th September. This month’s book is The Shockwave Rider by John Brunner, published in 1975. Cake will be available.

Open Social: Runs on Saturday the 15th of September at 7pm. Join us for an evening of conversations, games and our glorious hand made wood fired pizza.

Coding: Runs on Mondays, the 3rd and 17th September at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own project.

Wikipedia Editing: Runs on Wednesday the 26th September at 7pm. Ever wondered how to get started editing Wikipedia? Come along and will get you adding to the world’s largest open collaborative knowledge project. All are welcome, no editing experience is necessary and the event is free, just turn up with a laptop to start editing.

We are taking part in Dublin Culture Night again this year, Friday 21st September. https://culturenight.ie/event/tog-hackerspace/

TOG will have a stand at this year’s EU Contest for Young Scientists, https://www.eucys2018.com, which runs from 14th to 16th of September at the RDS, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge.  We will be showcasing a range of projects and activities, including a constellation umbrella, bone conduction, boat models, wearables and interactive games.

Everything TOG in August, craft, code, lock picking, CAD, book club, free events in Dublin!

Hello all,

Craft Night: Runs on Wednesdays, the 8th and the 22nd August at 7pm. Knitting? Crochet? Embroidery? Laser cutting? 3D printing? Join us and work on something you know, or learn something you don’t.

We are supporting the great Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam crew to put on their first jam. It will be hosted in the Science Gallery on Saturday August 11th from 12:30. You can join the waiting list on the main event page -> https://ti.to/dublin-raspberry-pi-jam/first-pi-jam

Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs on Mondays, the 13th and 27th of August at 7pm. Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos are just some of the things you can work on down here, or try our introductions to electronics worksheet. Recommended you bring your own laptop.

The Science Fiction Book Club gets ambitious this month, we’ve chosen two Philip K. Dick novels: A Scanner Darkly from 1977, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the inspiration for the 1982 classic filmBladerunner. The meeting to talk about them is the last Wednesday of the month, 29th August.

Lock-Picking: Runs on Monday 20th of August at 7pm. Come down and try your hand at cracking open tumbler, tubular or warded locks.

Open Social: Runs on Saturday the 18th of August at 7pm. Join us for an evening of conversations, games and our glorious hand made wood fired pizza.

Coding: Runs on Monday 20th of August at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop and project of your own recommended.

Wikipedia Editing: Runs on Wednesday the 29th of August at 7pm. Ever wondered how to get started editing Wikipedia? Come along and will get you adding to the world’s largest open collaborative knowledge project. All are welcome, no editing experience is necessary and the event is free, just turn up with a laptop to start editing.

If you happen to visit EMF Camp from the 31st of August, be sure to drop by the Irish Embassy.

Remember, TOG is run by members, if you want to get involved and help run events + get full access to the workshop and facilities, talk to any member about joining.

Memory Lane -> 2009

Sometimes we get a bit nostalgic for the early days in Tog.  We had our first tiny place in Arran Quay, a small three room office unit. We started running our first workshops and open days for the public there. We have changed a lot in the last nine plus years. To showcase the early space and show oof photos of when we were all much younger, we have created a photo collage of what we got upto in 2009. It was started way back during Science Hackday Dublin but only finished during our recent finishaton.  You can now see it hanging on the wall in our space or view the individual photos on our gallery

Museums and Makers Inspiring Each Other Video

A few months back we teamed up with the Chester Beatty Library, to put on a night that gave makers and museums people a chance to learn from each other. Below is the video from the event with interviews with Don Undeen of BoomHiFive, Georgetown University Maker Hub, and Jenny Siung, Head of Education, Chester Beatty Library, and our own Jeffrey Roe giving their thoughts on makers and museums.



This event was part of the Making Museum project, an 18-month EU-funded training initiative (Erasmus+ 20172019) exploring how museum staff can up-skill in creativity, innovation, creative collaborations with local maker communities, and embed these ideas in their public programmes for audiences. 

Coolest Projects 2018

Coolest Projects offers young people from the international CoderDojo, Code Club, Raspberry Jam and wider Raspberry Pi community the opportunity to present the projects they have created at their local club. The event is both a competition and an exhibition to inspire and enable innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and technology skills in young coders aged up to 18.

Tog will be showcasing at Coolest Prjects again this year. We will have soldering classes, Lockpicking demos and a host of projects on display. The event runs from 10am – 6pm on Saturday 26th of May in RDS Simmonscourt. This family and educator friendly event is free for all young people under 18 to attend. More tickets visit -> https://www.universe.com/events/coolest-projects-international-2018-tickets-JVCBH7


Dublin Maker 2018 – Open Call

The Open Call for Dublin Maker 2018 projects now has gone live. You have probably noticed celebrations in your local villages and parishes to mark this event or perhaps spotted one of the numerous and bankrupting sky writing campaigns we have commissioned to display the Dublin Maker Logo above the city.

In any case, what we want to know is do you have cool stuff? and do want to show if off to 10,000 people? This is your chance. We are looking for all sorts of makers, tinkerers, artists, inventors, hackers and do-it-yourselfers.

Whether you have taken part before or still tinkering on something crafty, we’d love for you to apply for a place at our biggest Dublin Maker yet. Take the opportunity to glimpse into the future, get hands-on and join the Maker Revolution. There’s nothing else like it. Remember, your project doesn’t need to be finished, and it definitely doesn’t need to be for sale. We want you to share how you make, so in-progress, hobbyist projects are A-OK!

Go on, throw in a project! The Open Call closes 28th of May.


We are very proud to be a supporting organisation for such a great event. We hope to see you all their with our new creations for 2018.