UCD Makerspace

The Innovation Academy has created a programme for students to design the future in their makerspace. It will see students introduced to what a makerspace is and using it a tool/ vehicle for learning. Check out the story in Silicon Republic at the end of the page for more.

We love seeing makerspaces popping up all over the place and more people getting access. It has been a great month for makerspaces with this news and with Fingal Makerspace in Blanchardstown Library too.

We will be opening back up to the public with our first group event happening in just a few days time at the beginning of November.

Fitout Update – Doors & Fobs

We will be opening our doors in just a few weeks. Our first event will be the return of our lock picking group. Be sure to check out our meetup page for updates.

In the mean time we have been adding more walls and last weekend doors. Did you know all the wood panelling and doors have come from our old space. We are doing our best to reuse building materials as much as possible. It certainly creates a lot more work for our volunteers but we think its good to strive for reuse as much as possible.

We are also glad to say our new access control system is in place. Members can now once again the space 24/7. It is an importance part of our space being able to support the different available of our members and being a fully 24/7 space for our members.

As always there are plenty more photos on our gallery.

Project Showcase – August Live Stream

We missed you all in July but we had the big job of moving space. If you missed the news check out Tog 4.0. We are back now and have a project showcase live stream for you. We have just scheduled a night of great talks to let you all see what these makers have been up to over the last few months. We hope to welcome you on Tuesday the 31st of August from 7 pm streaming on our Youtube channel. We will have talks about making a pizza oven, a remote LED game and a large 3d printer. The talks will be followed by a live Q&A. Check out the talks below.

Link To Live Stream


Talk Title: Outdoor Pizza Oven & BBQ
Project Description: Design, construction and learnings from an outdoor pizza oven and BBQ build.
Speaker: Shane Phelan
Bio: Electronic engineer currently building agricultural robots for the poultry industry. Likes making, brewing, leather craft, renewable energy, sensors & wireless tech.
Links: Twitter

Talk Title:  Kill The Dots – Remote LED Game
Project Description: This talk will outline how this project came together. An Arduino/Raspberry Pi powered game that allows people to have fun remotely. Using the remo.tv platform, it allows people to take over and play the kill the dots games that is in Jeffrey’s living room. The game was build and showcased at Dublin Maker earlier in the summer.
Speaker: Jeffrey Roe
Bio:  Jeffrey is a software/hardware engineer. For the last number of years, he has been building hardware and coding for public transport systems from bike-share schemes, parking and port traffic access management systems. In his spare time, he likes to make crazy projects like bubble machines, bone conduction, IoT projects and anything with LEDs in it. A big fan of getting people making, he co-runs ‘Dublin Maker’ an annual maker showcase festival and is a director of our space. He is a member of Engineers Ireland and servers on their council and executive boards.
Links: Twitter

Talk Title: Building a large CoreXY 3D Printer
Talk Description: A talk about designing and building a custom CoreXY
style 3D printer. The project aimed to be simpler to assemble and
cheaper than other current CoreXY designs such as the printers from
Speaker Name: Maja Stanislawska
Short Bio: Software Engineer and Consultant in Ennis. Runs the popular MakerShop.ie and former member of Tog. An avid model maker and creator of jewellery projects.
Link Website: https://makershop.ie
Link Twitter: https://twitter.com/MakerShop_ie
Link Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/people/majastanislawska/
Link Project Design:

Be sure to put any questions you have for our speakers in the Youtube chat.

Goodbye TOG 3.0 – Final Day

We have now said goodbye to 22 Blackpitts, our home since 2015. The space has served us well. We had many great events and projects build while there. At this point, we also say goodbye to Dublin 8. We have been in this area of the city since TOG 2.0 in 2010. This area and the wider community have been great supporters to us. It has allowed our little group to grow up to a large members organization that supports a wide range of activities and people to have a creative outlet.

Check out our photo gallery to see all the effort that went into the clear-out and move.


TOG 4.0…. New Space

Introducing TOG 4.0, our new home in Bluebell.

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a home for TOG 4.0. We have taken a lease on a 335 square meter industrial unit in Bluebell at Unit 1B Motor City, just off Kylemore Road. We are about an 8-minute walk from Kylemore Luas stop and there is also plenty of car parking available.

Keeping things retro our first photo of the space is taken on a 1970s Polaroid sx-70 instant camera.

The unit is completely empty, so we now have a blank canvas to build a wonderful space for ourselves and our community of hackers and makers. We are always open to new members so if you would like to be a part of building TOG 4.0 please let us know!

We want to thank all our members and the community for their help in finding a new space and a home for the next few years. You can check out our gallery for more photos of TOG 4.0.


TOG has been in existence for over 12 years now, providing Dublin with a space to craft, hack, make and socialize. Watch out for a mega opening event when COVID permits. We are all really looking forward to running events and working on projects again.