Lockpicking Night at Tog

We host a Lockpicking night every two weeks on a Thursday evening from 7 pm in our space. Join us as we teach the various methods of picking and bypassing common locks in Ireland.

We have all the all equipment and tools to get you started on the night. The intent for the night is to have all lock enthusiasts together to pick locks, show new tools, techniques and make lockpicking more social. Only so much can be done stuck in the workshop, office, or sitting on the couch. Feel free to come along for even just an hour.

Check out our meetup page to know which Thursday it’s on. https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/

Repair Café

Do you have broken items at-home – clothes, small appliances, toys, electronics?

No need to throw them away!
Save your things from the landfill and your wallet from having to replace them.

Bring them to our repair café and learn how to fix them together with our volunteers. We have tools, materials, space to work on your item, and repair experts who will help you with your repair.

TOG members will be on hand to show you around the space – come and enjoy a tea or coffee and a tour while you wait!

What objects can you bring in?

  • Clothes and accessories
  • Toys
  • Small electrical appliances and electronics
  • Small furniture
    … and many other things!
    Safety (PAT) testng for electrical devices will be available.

Where? TOG, Unit 1B Motor City
Kylemore Road, Dublin 12

When? – Sunday April 24th, 11 am – 4 pm
Admission free – all are welcome!

If you would like to be a fixer, drop us an email.

Spread the word and put up a poster.

This event was made possible with funding from the Accenture Sustainability Challenge.

A journey of repair – Dynatron SRX 26

Let’s go on a journey of repair with Jeffrey. We have a Dynatron radio model SRX 26. I think it’s from the 1970s. The radio came from Henry which has been in his family since it was new. Unfortunately it has been waiting on me to repair it since September 2020.

I started off by wiping all the dust I have let fall on it. It is a crazy heavy thing. The best way to start is to have a good look over the radio. The point is to find any problems with the cable and to check it is safe before ever plugging it in. It also seems to be missing its record player cartridge (the needle).

The radio lead and fuse are the next places to check. It is using an older style of plug that should be replaced at some point. The fuse and lead are fine. Now for a power-on test. the unit is not showing any signs of life.

Now to take it apart and show everyone’s favourite part the insides. There looks to be other historical repairs carried out. If you look at the above image on the left-hand side.

An internal mains fuse looks very “crusty”. After taking it out it’s clearly blown. There are also two more fuses that are blown. The type of fuse is nicely labelled on the radio but I had none in stock. A short walk down to RS and picked up a bag of replacement fuses.

It came alive! Well it turns on anyway. The next step to try and find some suitable audio leads to test the sound. I only had a headphone adaptor but soon was getting sound from the radio but with a lot of hisses.

To overcome the hiss, I attacked all the knobs with some switch cleaner. You take off all the knobs and spray in the fluid. Give the knobs a good turn, backwards and forwards to work in the cleaner.

The last job was to mount the speaker port that was loose in the cabinet. Unfortunately without that type of lead, I could not test it. 

Check out the radio in action in the video above. The radio seems to work fine with headphones. The turntable needs a cartridge but that is a job for the radio owner. If you would like to see more photos of the repair check out our gallery.

Tog at Security BSides Dublin

Security BSides Dublin is taking place in the Convention Centre Dublin for an in-person event on the 19th of March 2022.

The conference brings together renowned Information Security professionals from all over the world and gives to all participants the opportunity to network, learn and participate among like-minded individuals while sharing or presenting their work.

We are delighted to be once again a community sponsor of this great event. We will be bringing our lockpicking skills and providing a lockpicking station. So while you drink your coffee drop by our table and try your hand at lockpicking and have a chat.

Book your ticket now via the below link



We had great fun, check out some photos below or in our gallery.

Tog At Dublin Comic Con

Dublin Comic Con returns to the Convention Centre Dublin on March 12th and 13th and we will be there. This is Ireland’s leading pop culture event. An event for the whole family. Covering everything from movies/tv shows to comics, cosplay and gaming! Whether you are coming to find rare collectables, meet some Hollywood actors and local artists, have your portfolio reviews by industry professionals or simply cosplay.

We will have a fan table on the 1st-floor both days. We are excited to showcase some cosplays that were built by our members. Sample projects to give everyone the idea of what can be built in our space. Please drop by and say hello.

You can find out more about the event via the following link.



Check out our gallery for lots of photos from the event.


Local Enterprise Week 22 – 5 Enterprise & Innovation Hubs discuss their unique offering

Local Enterprise Week is organised every year by the 31 Local Enterprise Offices across the country. Taking place from Monday 7th to Friday 11th March.

We are delighted to be taking part in a panel discussion called “The value of enterprise spaces & their unique offering to your business”. Event details are below.

Learn how Enterprise and Innovation Hubs can help entrepreneurs and small businesses start, sustain and grow” 

Panel Discussion with time for Q&A (the panel will participate in a discussion on the ecosystem, their perspective and their unique offering – services / supports) and how their Hub contributes to economic development and community.

This is a panel discussion is facilitated by Heidi Corr

Participating are 5 Enterprise and Innovation Hubs offering space and services to assist for startups and small businesses.

Eamonn Sayers, GEC, https://www.gec.ie/

Bernie Everard, Spade, https://www.spade.ie/

Nicole Edgerton, Talent Garden, https://talentgarden.org/en/

David Graham, Terenure Enterprise Centre, https://terenure-enterprise.ie/

Jeffrey Roe TOG, https://www.tog.ie/

To book your please visit https://www.localenterprise.ie/!QMB3AV